GMOs, Lab meat, Hydrogenation Safe or Dangerous

Genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) have been in the US food supply for over 20 years. Are they safe? Which ten GMO plants are now widely commercially available? What about laboratory-grown 'meat? Hydrogenated trans-fatty acid products have been consumed for over 100 years. Are they safe? Certain scientists claim that the data proves the safety of GMOs and lab-meat. But do they have enough data? …

Globalism is the New Tower of Babel'

Ted Malloch wrote that globalists in the European Union are basically trying to build a new 'Tower of Babel' reminiscent of the one in Genesis 11. Rabbi Anshei Sholom said that globalism is doomed to fail and that humanity will not return to the 'Tower of Babel.' Are they tre they correct/ Does the Bible show that a Babylonian system will exert totalitarian control in the future? …

The 'Experts' Have No Clothes!

In the 19th century, Hans Christian Anderson's 'The Emperor's New Clothes' was published. The story showed a willingness of people to overlook the obvious truth in order to fit in with the crowd. Are aspects of that story applicable now? Are the experts at Wikipedia and elsewhere who claim that the story of the exodus of the children out of Israel correct that this is a myth or that the creation account in Genesis is a myth? What about the Solbe Temple Inscription and the Ipuwer papyrus? n Nobel prize winners be wrong? Have they intentionally overlook true science? …

Will Pollution lead to the End?

At the Basel Convention, 187 nations, other than the USA agreed to a UN backed deal on plastic pollution. The USA was also called 'a rogue nation' for backing out of the Paris Climate Accords, Will Europeans turn against the USA? In late May 2019, the journal Scientific Reports estimated that there were 5.25 trillion pieces of plastic debris in the oceans--more pieces than stars in the Milky Way. The United Nations has made estimates that as many as one million plant and animal species are in danger of …

EU leaders pushing towards the Apocalypse

In May 2019, a debate among pro-European Union leaders revealed that change to reduce the European Council and hence reduce the influence of individual nation states was promoted as a way to save the EU from dying. A week or so before, Euro skeptics met at a conference where the leaders there pushed for more national autonomy from the EU as a way to save Europe. On May 3, 2019, Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz pushed for replacing or at least changing the Lisbon Treaty. …

Nuclear bombers for the Beast?

It is reported that the Germans are looking for a new bomber to be able to be used to deliver US B61-12 atomic bombs. Does Germany already have access to American nuclear weapons it can now use? What about Belgium, Italy, and the Netherlands? Has there been increased interest in more independent European nuclear capacity since the election of US President Donald Trump? What has Berthold Kohler, Herbert W. Armstrong, Nigel Farage, Jean-Claude Juncker, and Maximilian Terhalle said about Europe's militaristic ambitions? What about Bible prophecy? …

How many genders did God create?

LGBTQI,,, Does God make humans male and female? Teen Vogue magazine produced a video about what it called 'gender misconceptions." People in it claim, "This idea that the body is either male or female is totally wrong." But what about chromosomes, brain matters, genes, muscle, genitalia, and other differences? Do the 6500 genetic differences go away with surgery or hormonal therapy? What have researchers at New York University Langone and the Weizmann Institute of Science found? …

Amphibian Apocalypse: Threat to Humans?

On March 28, 2019, Science reported a study about how Chytrid fungi had been devastating amphibian species around the world. Dr. Wendy Palen claimed, "Chytrid fungus is the most destructive pathogen ever described by science." What does it do to the skins of frogs and salamanders? It appears to have caused 90 species to go extinct. Could a reduction in amphibians possibly lead to increases in the populations of certain insects? Could such insects carry pathogens that could harm humans?

Beast Prophecies and European Gold

Gold is so valuable it is called a precious metal. What nation has the most of it? Is there an area of nations with more? Will gold last longer than the USA dollar? Are there properties about the Beast and/or the Antichrist in the Bible that show that the European Babylonian Beast power will amass gold during the time of the Great Tribulation? …

Must Christians use 'Sacred Names'?

Some have claimed that according to Acts 4:12, unless you use the name 'Yashua' you cannot be saved. Is that true? What names are in Acts 4:10-12? What are the names of God in the Old Testament? What are the names of God in the New Testament? Is the name Jesus a linguistic derivative of the pagan god Zeus? Does the New Testament record God's Son using sacred names? Does the New Testament use the precise Hebrew 'sacred names' of Yahweh/Yahveh or Yashua? …

China's Silk Road and Babylon the Great

China has been embarking on a multi-trillion dollar project to build roads and ports to connect more of Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and Europe to it. This has been called the 'Belt and Road Initiative,' Silk Road Project, Silk Road 2.0, and the One Belt, One Road Initiative. While this is expected to benefit Chinese trade (as well as provide infrastructure for the gathering at Armageddon), could this also benefit the rise of Babylon the Great foretold in the Book of Revelation and scriptures in the Old Testament?

Zombie Deer Disease is Here! Are the 10 Plagues on Egypt Coming?

According to certain Jewish traditions, the ten plagues on Egypt are to be repeated before the Messiah comes. Some have wondered if ''Zombie Deer Disease,' officially knows as 'Chronic Wasting Disease' (which is spreading according to the US CDC) is confirmation of that Jewish view. In this video Dr. Thiel goes over each of the ten plagues that struck the Egyptians in the Book of Exodus and ties them in with prophecies in the Gospels and the Book of Revelation.

American Infanticide

February 23, 2019 was declared a 'day of mourning' by some concerned about infanticide and other ramifications of the State of New York's "Reproductive Health Act." The American College of Pediatricians reported they were grieved by efforts by several states to allow infanticide. Statements from disgraced Virginia Governor Ralph Northam, as well as proposed laws in Illinois, …

The Chrislam Cross and the Interfaith Movement

What is Chrislam? What are the two forms of it? Did the Vatican unveil the Chrislam Cross? How does it look? Are Christianity and Islam theologically compatible? What does the 'Catechism of the Catholic Church' say? What about the Bible and the Quran? Did Pope Francis and Sunni Imam Sheikh Ahmed al-Tayeb sign an important interfaith document on February 4, 2019? Do biblical and Islamic prophecies point to a deal between the Europeans and Arabs that will be broken?

Pope Francis signs 'one world religion' document!

On February 4, 2019, at the ' Global Conference on Human Fraternity,' Pope Francis and leading Sunni Imam Sheikh Ahmed al-Tayeb signed a document that some suspect may lead towards a "one world religion." The World Council of Churches (WCC) General Secretary, Dr Olav Fykse Tveit, who also attended, pushed for religious leaders and institutions to push towards a particular cooperative agenda to help bring world peace. Will there will be real peace or just a temporary one?

EU Setting Up 666 Enforcer

The European Union is in the process of establishing the European Public Prosecutor’s Office.This is a major, first-of-its-kind move, with the EU setting up a European-wide prosecutor’s office that will have power to investigate and charge people for financial crimes committed against the EU. It looks like this type of office may end up persecuting those that do not have the mark of the Beast when they "buy or sell" as that will later be considered a financial crime in Europe. What does 666 mean?