Biden, Trump, and the Bible

The USA presidential campaign is in full swing. Though Democratic party candidate Joe Biden and Republican party candidate Donald Trump have differing economic and climate policies as well as different views on abortion and racial matters, there are many similarities both share. Do they have policies that they share that are leading to the destruction of the USA? ...

UAE Deal: Peace in the Middle East?

On August 13, 2020, US President Donald Trump sent out a tweet over Twitter of something called the "Joint Statement of the United States, the State of Israel, and the United Arab Emirates;" it is also called the Abraham Accord(s). Many are excited about it as it is the first such deal between Israel and an Arab nation in 25 years. Others have denounced it as counter-productive. The United Arab Emirates has agreed essentially to recognize Israel if it does not proceed now with the annexations of Samaria, etc. …

Christians and Self-Defense

The Apostle Paul prophesied that there would be brutal men in the last days. Is the Christian solution to carry handguns to "blow away" those who may try to harm them? Do real Christians need to fear like those in the world do? What should a Christian do if actually attacked? Is there a place for noise, light, or other deterrents? …

Christians, Why Prophecy?

Should you pay attention to prophecy? Some wonder about that. Some people, called preterists, consider that most prophecy is already fulfilled, which is a wrong and dangerous position to take. Most world leaders look upon preaching the prophecies of WHAT GOD SAYS IS GOING TO HAPPEN as mere fanaticism or religious extremism. As Peter predicted (2 Peter 3:1-12), many tend to spurn, scorn, ridicule, and scoff at the applicability of Bible prophecy. Does God reveal secrets and mysteries to prophets? …

Bizarre Things are Happening: Beginning of Sorrows?

From the 'Godzilla dust cloud' to earthquakes to locusts in Africa, Asia (India), & South America (Argentina, Brazil) to increased cases of COVID-19 to Middle East rumors of war related to Israeli Prime Minister's intent to annex Judea/Samaria against the wishes of the Palestinians, Arabs, & Europeans to economic risks to high unemployment to risk of famine and riots, demonstrations, & looting, many difficult events have been happening around the world. Are these consistent with the troubles Jesus said were associated with the 'beginning of sorrows"? …

Polycarp or Martin Luther?

Jude said to "contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints" (Jude 3). When it comes to church leaders, who did so? Did Polycarp of Smyrna, who the Continuing Church of God traces its history through, do so? Did Martin Luther, who Protestants trace their history through, do so? …

Is Jesus' Second Coming Soon?

Jesus' disciples asked when He would return, and Jesus said a great trumpet would accompany His second coming. World Net Daily had an article titled "Second Coming? The '1000-year day- timetable says soon" on June 8, 2020. The article by Scott Lively cited the Apostle Peter's words in Acts 2 and 2 Peter 3. Plus, Hosea 6. Jewish Talmudic writings, based on a tradition from the school of Elijah, pointed to humans living for 6,000 years to be followed by a 1,000 year Messianic period. …

COVID and Brexit Driven by Demons?

Could Satan or any of his demons be impacting the economy of the world and Europe through having both the coronavirus outbreak and the British Exit (Brexit) from the European Union? Did governments tend to react in a way causing 'self-inflicted' damage to the economy? What about actions from the European Central Bank? Has demonic involvement been asked by the German press? Does the Bible teach that Satan is the god of this age and that the world is under his sway? …

Riots and the Red Horse of the Apocalypse

We are seeing riots and protests across the USA, protests and skirmishes in Hong Kong, and another potential intifada with the Palestinians over Israel's annexation plans. Could any of this be related to the beginning of sorrows Jesus mentioned in Matthew 24? What about rider of the red horse of war of the apocalypse? Is ethic group prophesied to be against ethnic group according to the Orthodox Jewish Bible? Did the red horse begin the ride in the 20th century? …

Is Jesus the Archangel Michael?

Is the one we call Jesus the Christ the archangel called Michael? Both the Jehovah's Witnesses (JWs) and the Seventh-day Adventists (SDAs) teach this is so. Do the scriptures that Jws and SDAs point to prove that? Or does the Bible teach something else? Did Ellen G. White really teach Jesus was Michael in her book 'The Great Controversy'? Have 21st century SDAs also taught Jesus is the archangel Michael? …

Will Americans and Brits Starve as the Chinese Eat?

According to the University of Chicago NORC poll in its 'COVID Impact Survey,' many in the USA are now worried that they may not have enough to eat. The USA is also experiencing food price inflation and could be facing meat shortages. At the same time, Chinese purchases of American pork have soared. Are famines coming to North Americans and the British-descended peoples of the USA, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand? …

COVID 19: Prelude to a New World Order?

Could COVID-19 be a prelude to a better society, a better new world order? Some think so. Will the novel coronavirus kill the 'New World Order' that people like Pat Buchanon dread? Should we 'beware of plans to build back better'? Are more in Europe looking for an authoritarian leader now? Will Europe get one? What does the Bible teach? What about the coming, 'time of Jacob's trouble,' the Great Tribulation, and final 'time of the Gentiles'? …

COVID-19: The End of American Exceptionalism?

Could government actions related to COVID-19 be showing the end of American exceptionalism? The USA used to at least give lip service to its the Bill of Rights in its Constitution. But now, not so much. What do the first, fourth, and fourteenth amendments to the US Constitution supposedly guarantee? Tucker Carlson stated, "For 250 years, Americans have enjoyed the unfettered right to practice their faith …

Lessons from 'Groundhog Day'

Groundhog Day is a popular American tradition observed in the United States and Canada on February 2nd, that science shows is essentially based on a myth. In 1993, there was a movie starring Bill Murray as Phil Connors titled 'Groundhog Day.' It has become a cultural icon in a sense in the USA. In the movie, Phil ends up in a time loop where everyday is February 2nd. This goes on for at least ten years. …

Cardinal: Coronavirus could be the end of the European Union

Following statements from various political leaders, Luxembourg Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich voiced concerns that COVID-19 could lead to the end of the European Union as nationalism is pushing out European solidarity. Could the EU break apart? Could the Euro collapse? Does the Bible tell of unity problems for Europe in Daniel 2? Does the Bible teach that Europe will reorganize and give its power to a totalitarian dictator called the Beast from the sea? …

'Get Ready: The World is About to Need You'

According to a secular source, related to COVID-19, Matt Smith wrote, "We could have been better prepared." He also went over many issues, including lockdowns, illness, and deaths that should be anticipated related to COVID-19. But he then said, "Get ready. The world is about to need you." Are you willing to step up spiritually and support the Philadelphian work? Most end time Christians are prophesied not to do so. …

COVID 19 is NOT the End, but could it be TEOTWAKI?

The novel coronavirus called COVID-19 is wreaking havoc around the world. Many states of the USA as well as countries in Europe are on lockdown with shelter in place /shelter in residence requirements. In France, a form is required when you are not at your house. In Spain, drones are being used to warn people who are outside to got back to their homes--does that bring up feelings of 'Big Brother'? …

COVID-19 Leading to 666?

The novel coronavirus of Wuhan, China fame, is now called COVID-19. It has also been called the 'Coronapocalypse.' Does COVID-19 have any prophetic ramifications? What did Jesus teach about pestilences and sorrows in the Olivet prophecy in Matthew 24? Could COVID-19 be the ride of the fourth horseman of the Apocalypse? Why was this type of disease expected according to the Old Testament prophecies in Deuteronomy and Leviticus? What has the US Centers for Disease Control warned about? …

The Original Apostle's Creed?

Roman and Eastern Orthodox Catholics, Lutherans, and various others except versions of something referred to as the "Apostles' Creed." Were any of these creeds actually spoken by the original apostles? Do any of the creeds come directly from the Bible? When was the Nicene Creed adopted? How important is that to the Greek Orthodox? What did Emperor Theodosius do in 380 A.D.? Was Jesus' claimed descent into Hades part of it? …