What is silver? What is it used for? How long has it been used? Will it have use in the future? There was an archaeological discovery that concluded that silver was used as a form of payment 3,700 years ago in the Levant (roughly the area of Israel, Lebanon, and Syria)--that was 500 years earlier than many thought it had been used there. Was silver shown to be used even a couple of centuries earlier than that by Abraham in the Bible? What is dross? Did ancient Rome have dross coins? Did the USA switch to dross coins instead of silver in 1965? Does the Bible teach against the use of dross? …
Red Heifer Sacrifice Ready April 2024?
In September 2022, 5 seemingly unblemished red heifers were transported from Texas to Israel by Boneh Israel in conjunction with some Protestants. In March 2023, the Temple Institute declared one of the red heifers disqualified for sacrifice. What is a red heifer? Why are certain Jews so concerned about having one? What does the Bible teach about the ashes of red heifer? Is a red heifer needed for Christians? If animal sacrifices are not needed for Christians, does the Bible prophesy future animal sacrifices? …
Repentance for Christians
Protestant writer Michael Brown wrote an article titled 'The Lost Art of Repentance.' What problems has he found related to preachers, repentance, and the gospel? Did Jesus teach repentance? Did the Apostle Peter teach repentance? What about faith? Does God only give the Holy Spirit to those who obey Him according to the Book of Acts? Who does the Book of Hebrews teach Jesus is the author of eternal salvation for? Do real Christians actually sin according to the Apostle John? …
European Babylonian Singularity
On March 23, 2023, Pope Francis spoke before COMECE, which is the Commission of the Episcopates of the European Union. He stated that European unity cannot be uniform, but that it needed to be a unity recognizing the singularities of the peoples and cultures in Europe. He said the two dreams of Europe's founding fathers were for unity and peace. He wanted his church to help inspire this, but also repeatedly pointed to history. Europe's …
Where is the Ark of the Covenant?
Protestant writer Michael Snyder says that the Ark of the Covenant from the Bible is about to be found and that he knows exactly where it is. The Temple Institute believes it will be found soon and that it knows where it is. Why, supposedly, has no one uncovered it? Is Daniel 9:27 proof that the Ark of the Covenant is about to be found? What about Vendyl Jones? Is this Ark in Jerusalem in a cave or passage under what is called the Temple Mount? Does the Bible state that …
Could God be Creating Something Beautiful in You?
A report based on CDC data showed a massive increase in hopelessness and sadness in American teenage females. Plus, 30% reported considering suicide. Does God have a plan for you? Jared Dyson asserted that God is creating something beautiful in you." Is that possible? Is there really a God? Can you prove if God exists? If so, does His purpose for you involve something beautiful? Do all the tests, sufferings, and trials you have been through in this life have any eternal purpose? …
King Charles Setting Prophetic Stage?
Buckingham Palace announced that King Charles III will be making his first international state visit from March 26-31, 2023 by going to France and Germany. Some believe this is intended to attempt to smooth over some relations between the United Kingdom and the European Union. Could there be any connection to the goals of the World Economic Forum? Could this visit possibly help set the stage for the UK (prophetic Ephraim) to fulfill certain prophecies related to Germany …
Will Europe be Involved in Peace in the Middle East?
EuroNews reported, "It’s the right time for the EU to step in and bring peace to the Middle East," because Europe needs to move towards international leadership and the United States moves have basically resulted in a big mess. The Palestinians also prefer the Europeans to the Americans when it comes to dealing the Israel and Netanyahu's government. Does the Bible point to a European confirming a peace deal in the Middle East? Is this a temporary, seven-year, …
Palestinian Calls for Jewish Temple
In an interview with media personality Avri Gilad, a former Palestinian terrorist named Mohamed Masad said that God brought the Jewish people from all over the world back to the land of Israel, so that the Jews will build the Holy Temple and bring peace to the world. Is that God's plan? Do most Muslims agree? The Temple Institute wants to disassemble the Dome of the Rock …
BRICS and the Woes of Revelation
The BRICS nations consist of Brazil, Russia, China, India, and South Africa. In February of 2023, Russia, China, and South Africa held joint naval drills. In the Fall of 2022, India, Russia, and China held joint military exercises. Brazil also has a military cooperation agreement with Russia. The Book of Revelation uses the term woe three times in chapter 8 verse 13--those woes are …
AfD: Prelude to a Hitler Beast?
Germany’s Alternative für Deutshland (Alternative for Germany in English) party celebrated its 10th anniversary on February 6, 2023. It objects to
❌More illegal migration
❌More asylum abuse
❌More crime
❌More housing shortage
❌More Cancel Culture
The AfD also asserts, "Now it’s time to change that. And that’s only possible with us." Many are concerned that the AfD's growing political influence will impact Germany. …
The Heresy of 'Carnal Christianity'
Is there such a thing as 'carnal Christianity'? If it is a false religion calling itself Christian, where did it start? Was Marcion of the 2nd century the first Protestant? What about Marcion and the Roman Catholic Church? Did Jesus teach keeping the commandments? Should the Old Testament be discarded? What did early Christian leaders do? What about Martin Luther? Is Andy Stanley right about the commandments, immorality, and not looking at ancient prophecies? …
Do You Understand the 'Simplicity that is in Christ'?
In 1 Corinthians 11:3, the Apostle Paul mentioned the 'simplicity that is in Christ,' but warned that people could be deceived away from it. Do you know what that simplicity is? Is it simply to "believe" and not even pray as Protestant David Stewart asserted? Are we saved by grace for good works? Are Christians supposed to obey? Did Jesus and the Apostle Paul tie obedience in with salvation? What are Christians supposed to obey? Can false ministers look good? …
Nuclear WWIII from Russia?
Are we close to a nuclear third world war? Is Russia's 'special military operation' in Ukraine the start of WWIII? What did Ukrainan Defense Minister Guido Crosetto say related to WWIII? Does Ezekiel 38 involves Russia? Are certain Protestant writers correct that it is for our day and that Russia will launch a massive nuclear attack against the USA? Did Herbert W. Armstrong say that Russia would not attack the USA? Is a direct military skirmish between the USA and Russia possible? If the Bible does discuss the destruction of the USA, is this from a power …
Silver, Science, and Scripture
What is silver? What is it used for? How long has it been used? Will it have use in the future? There was an archaeological discovery that concluded that silver was used as a form of payment 3,700 years ago in the Levant (roughly the area of Israel, Lebanon, and Syria)--that was 500 years earlier than many thought it had been used there. Was silver shown to be used even a couple of centuries earlier than that by Abraham in the Bible? What is dross? Did ancient Rome have dross coins? Did the USA switch to dross coins instead of silver in 1965? Does the Bible teach against the use of dross? Does the Bible prophesy that silver will have value into the Great Tribulation? …
ChatGPT and 666
In November 2022, OpenAI released something called ChatGPT. Google held a meeting related to it the next month and some think it may possibly replace Google. Some suspect that artificial intelligence will generate up to 90% of internet content in the future. Some believe that items such as ChatGPT will eliminated certain writing, tech, and other jobs requiring a college education. What does ChatGPT stand for? Why are teachers concerned it may result in loss of writing and researching skills? Is ChatGPT a neutral information source …
EU Further Uniting?
Throughout Europe, in places like Italy, France, Finland, and Sweden, there were large amounts of people who wanted to leave the European Union. A new post-Brexit survey has found that less people in most European nations want to leave the EU. Could part of the reason be the United Kingdom not perceived as doing better after it left the EU? Could another part of the reason have to do with Russia's "special military" operation in Ukraine? Will any Israelite-descended nations be supporters of the end time Beast power? …
Cross: A Mark of the Beast?
What does the Bible warn about taking "the mark of the beast"? Could technology be involved? Could a type of cross be involved? Was the cross an early Christian symbol? If not, when did it gain acceptance? Did Emperor Constantine and his mother Helena play a major role in the adoption of the cross? Does the Bible teach Jesus was killed on a cross? Do any Roman Catholic seers warn that the Chi-Rho or hooked cross could be the mark of the beast …
Olympics and Biology
The International Olympic Committee (IOC) had a report published in the 'British Medical Journal' that claimed, " No athlete should be precluded from competing or excluded from the competition on the exclusive ground of an unverified, alleged or perceived unfair competitive advantage due to their sex variations, physical appearance and/or transgender status." Does that IOC position make biological sense? …
Pagan New Year's Connections?
Many people around the world celebrate December 31st as New Year's eve with drinking parties and resolutions lasting into the 1st of January. What is the connection between January 1st and New Year's Day? Was January 1st sacred to the pagan god Janus? Were New Year's celebrations condemned for Christian use by the historian Tertullian? Was not New Year's Day supposedly presided over by the pagan goddess Strenua to whom pagans made resolutions to?