Each winter the Church of Rome and some others who profess Christianity observe a period of time called Lent. It begins after many have celebrated Mardi Gras or Carnaval. Those in the Roman Catholic faith also observe Ash Wednesday. Are any of these biblical observances?
Proverbs 16-17: Accept God's Instructions
What really happens after death?
There are many views about what happens after death, but only one true authority, the Holy Bible. Does the Bible teach 'soul sleep' or the immortality of the soul? What did early Christians believe? Did anyone ever return from the dead? What about 'near death experiences'? Can you communicate with your dead loved ones?
Will Jesus Christ be called the Antichrist?
Will you really be able to recognize Jesus when He returns. The Bible says that the nations of hte world will be angry when He comes back. Have there been writings over the centuries by those respected by the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches that suggest that the returning Jesus Christ will be the final Antichrist.
Marcion: The first Protestant reformer?
Are you familiar with the second century leader Marcion of Pontus? Do you know what he taught? Various Protestant scholars have called him "the first Protestant." Marcion was denounced as "the first born of Satan" by Church of God leader Polycarp of Smyrna. Others also denounced him in the second century, yet at least one Protestant referred to him as the original Reformer.