Are Christians really supposed to rule?

Humans were made in God's image and likeness, Are Christians really supposed to rule in the Kingdom of God? What does the Bible teach? Are Christians promised rulership based on what they do in this life? Is the universe big enough for all humans that ever lived to rule over much? If Christians are to rule, when will that happen? How will rule under resurrected Christians be? 

Christians and Unleavened Bread

Should Christians keep the Days of Unleavened Bread? What is leaven anyway? What are some of the physical and spiritual lessons to be gained by observing these days? Did early Christians keep the Days of Unleavened Bread? Can they be kept outside of Israel according to the New Testament? Dr. Thiel addresses these subjects and more. 

Passover Examination

Are you really supposed to examine yourself before Passover? What about discerning the Lord's body? What does the New Testament teach? Should you physically 'deleaven'? Are there some questions that might help you change? What are some of the consequences for not examining oneself? Does faith require works to be alive? ...