Europe has more influence over the world than most realize. Jay Chang discusses some of Europe's history and impact on the world in economic, social, military, and political aspects, and ties Europe to the future Babylon, the beast power of Revelation 18. October 3, 2015 Feast of Tabernacles. Note he mentioned that Europe has gold for a 'new currency,' whereas he basically intended to say a new reserve currency. ...
Christianity and the Feast of Tabernacles
A Walk In The Garden with Adam and Eve
Where Did God Come From?
Christians, the Day of Atonement, and Fasting
Matthew 25-28: Midnight Cry, False Christians, Resurrection, & Teaching what Jesus Taught
This is the twelfth part of a twelve-part sermon series on the Gospel According to Matthew. Dr. Thiel begins by discussing the the ten virgins, the midnight cry, talents, sheep & goats, and some differences between true and false Christians, He later goes into Jesus betrayal, spending of funds to do the work, the time of Passover, wrong perceptions, and Jesus' arrest. Dr. Thiel explains that even seeing real miracles is not accepted by people, nor are the relatively rare dreams from God.
The Last Trumpet and the Book of Life
How to Keep God’s Feasts
Have you heard of God's festivals and holy days? Did you know that they are referred to in the Book of Genesis? Do you know where all of God's feasts are listed in the Bible? Do you know how to keep each one? What should you do if you are not physically able to go to meet with brethren on those days? How should you keep them? What does the Bible say?
Matthew 24: Temple Destruction, Sorrows, Tribulation, and the Return of Jesus
This is the eleventh part of a multi-part sermon series on the Gospel According to Matthew. Dr. Thiel begins by discussing the Temple and Jesus' prophecy about its soon coming destruction. Dr. Thiel provides citations from historical sources which demonstrate that prediction came to pass. Dr. Thiel also covers the 'beginning of sorrows' and briefly discusses the ecumenical/interfaith movements, earthquakes, famines, and pestilences.
Matthew 21-23: 'Palm Sunday,' Come as You Are?, and the Greatest Commandments
This is the tenth part of a multi-part sermon series on the Gospel According to Matthew. Dr. Thiel begins by discussing Jesus' entry on a donkey, then comments about overthrowing the money changers, and having the faith to move mountains. He also explains why many who think they are spiritually fine are not. He discusses that the Bible does not teach come as you are, but to repent, change, and have the acts God expects.