The laying on of hands is listed as an elementary principle and doctrine of the Christian church in Hebrews 6:1-2. What is the 'laying on of hands'? Was this practiced in the Old Testament? Did Jesus practice it? What types of reasons were the imposition of hands used for? Is there some special power in the hands of the ministry? Do all Christians need to have the laying on of hands? Can the casting out of demons and divine involve the laying on of hands? What kind of anointing oil is most commonly used?
Which Spring Days should Christians observe?
We Must be the True People of God (simultaneously translated in Embu)
Nairobi Conference: All About Love
Exercises in Faith
Fate or Predestination
CCOG Q&A: Jubilee, Revelation, Origin of the Cross
Simon Magus and 'Christianity'?
Do you know much about Simon Magus? He is called a man from Samaria that the Samaritans referred to as a 'great one' in the Book of Acts. He believed Philip's message and was baptized, Yet after attempting to purchase the giving of the Holy Spirit by the laying on of hands, he was condemned by the Apostle Peter. Simon Magus went to Rome and is considered by some to have been the 'father of heresies.'
Strong Meat: James 3-5
Hebrews 5 discusses that Christians should be able to handle "strong meat" (KJV) or "solid food" (NKJV) and not just the milk of the word. Christians also should be able to teach. Are teachers to be held to higher standards? What about Matthew 18? What about the work of God, patience, and grumbling?
Strong Meat: James 1-2
Hebrews 5 discusses that Christians should be able to handle "strong meat" (KJV) or "solid food" (NKJV) and not just the milk of the word. Christians also should be able to teach. The Bible prophesies in the end that people who know their God will instruct many. What about tests and trials, faith and works, and true religion?