Holy Day Plan of Salvation

Did God have a plan of salvation before the foundation of the world? Was the moon made to make God's Holy Days? What about common holidays? Did the apostles and early followers of Jesus keep the biblical Holy Days? Are they listed one place in the Bible? What are they? What to they mean? Does God have a plan of salvation that will result in most who ever lived being saved?

Mission of the Remnant of the Philadelphia Church Era

Jesus gave a message to the Philadelphia portion of the Church of God in Revelation 3. On December 17, 1983, the late Herbert W. Armstrong gave a sermon titled, "The Mission of the Philadelphia Church Era." In that sermon, he went over the mission of the Philadelphian portion of the Church of God as well as 18 truths he believed that God had him restore that the Sardis era no longer had. In this sermon, Dr. Thiel goes provides quotes from Herbert Armstrong's sermon, as well as each of the 18 truths.