In the 20th century, Church of God Seventh Day minister A.N. Dugger promoted the "back to Jerusalem movement." In the 21st century, at least one group claims that the Church of God needs to be headquartered in Jerusalem. Does church history support the view that Jerusalem was to be the permanent headquarters for the Church of God?
Sacred Names: True or False Gospel?
What name did Jesus reveal to His followers? Can Christians use terms like Jesus, Lord, and God? Is the use of terms such as Yahshua or Yahweh essentially for salvation? What does the Bible teach? What did early Christians teach? What is the Tetragrammaton? Is the use of 'sacred names' something that was to be restored by the end time EliYah/Elijah for ...
18 items to prophetically watch in 2018
Can you rely on Bible prophecy? Should Christians may attention it to? Did Jesus say to watch? Are world events aligning with properly understood biblical prophecies? Dr. Thiel goes over 18 items, including: 1. Scoffers and the Modern Media; 2. Morality Prophecies Being Fulfilled Daily; 3. Weather Sorrows and Troubles; 4. Earthquakes; 5. The White Horse of the Apocalypse; 6. Strife and the Red Horse of War; 7. Trade; 8. The Deal of Daniel 9:27; 9. Knowledge Increasing; ...