This sermon is final one in a series covering each and every verse of the Book of Exodus. In this sermon, Dr. Thiel begins with the first verse of Exodus 37 and goes through the last verse of Exodus 40. He goes over details and costs associated with the construction of the tabernacle, ark of the covenant, the golden lampstand, and mercy seat--and shows some artist renderings of them. He also goes over WHEN the sacrificial system …
Godly Submission
Exodus 33-36: Moses Shone and You Should Too
This sermon is part of a series covering each and every verse of the Book of Exodus. After mentioning a little bit from chapter 32, Dr. Thiel begins with the first verse of Exodus 33 and goes through the last verse of Exodus 36. He addresses such issues as "Is the golden calf relevant to Christians today?," Are Christians stiff-necked?," and "When Moses saw God, what did He see?" Dr. Thiel discusses matters such as lessons to be learned from Moses' face shining, Jesus telling His followers to let their light shine, …
The New Testament, Martin Luther, and the Canon
What are the books of the New Testament? What is 'sola Scriptura'? Did Martin Luther believe in it? Did Martin Luther change scriptures? Did he declare he was the authority when his view was not supported by scripture? What about 'sola fide,' 'faith alone'? Was Martin Luther's approach to the Bible similar to the apostate Marcion of Pontus? Did Martin Luther discount or dismiss at least parts of 18 books of the Bible? …
Were Ancient Hebrews Black? What About Jesus?
Were the ancient Hebrews black as asserted by Frank Cherry and William Crowdy? Was Jesus black? Was Jesus a Jew? What about the ancient Egyptians? What about the descendants of Noah: Ham, Japheth, and Shem? What does the word Egypt mean? Does Cush mean black? What do hieroglyphics, statues, coins, Fayum mummy paintings, the Mereneptah Stele, the Black Obelisk of Shalmaneser III, ostraca, coins, and mosaics show? What about the mummy of Ramesses II? …
The First Protestant, God’s Command, Grace, & Character
While the term Protestant first came about in 1529, some Protestant scholars have called Marcion of Pontus the first Protestant. Was he faithful? What did he teach? Did he teach doctrines of antichrist? Are the Ten Commandments a burden? Were the Ten Commandments nailed to the cross? Did Martin Luther write that the Ten Commandments should be kept? Who is a Christian? Who receives the Holy Spirit? Can one receive the grace of God in vain? …
Protestant, Baptist, and CCOG History
Do you know much about true Christian church history? Do you know much about the official start of Protestantism? What did Martin Luther do on October 31, 1517 with his 95 theses in Wittenberg? Was he trying to start a new church? What year did the term Protestant begin to be used? What about John Wycliffe? Do Baptists truly have perpetuity? …
Identifying the USA and its Destruction in Prophecy
Various religious leaders have wondered if, and where, the United States of America may be identified in the Bible. Some claim Daniel 7, some say in Revelation 13, and some say it is gone because of destruction or a pre-tribulation ‘rapture.’ Could the terms in the Hebrew scriptures such as Joseph, Manasseh, Israel, and/or Samaria help identify the USA? Is the USA the power with the strongest fortresses that gets defeated in Daniel 11:39? Could this be World War 3 (WWIII) and the start of the Great Tribulation? …
Peter's Position and Location
Peter was the 'Apostle of the circumcision,' meaning the apostle to direct reaching people who descended from the patriarch Israel. Where did he work? Was he Jerusalem? Was he in Asia Minor? What about Antioch? Did the Apostle Peter possibly found the Church of Rome? What have Roman and Eastern Orthodox Catholic scholars written? Where is Babylon of 1 Peter 5:13? …
Pergamos Era and the Antichrist
Pergamos is the 3rd of the seven churches listed in Revelation 1:11. The Pergamos church era seems to have been predominant from c. 450 to 1050 A.D. Jesus had the Apostle John write about it in Revelation 2:12-17. Those of Pergamos were praised for holding fast, despite being where "Satan's throne" was. But they had problems accepting Nicolatian and Balaam doctrines--what were they? …