Do we have a complete Bible? What about the so-called 'lost books' of the Bible? Do you know much about them or what any of them teach? Were some books not accepted in order to suppress women as the best selling book "The DaVinci Code' states? What are pseudepigrapha? Can we rely on the Urantia Book, Book of Jasher, Book of Enoch, or the Book of Jubilees? …
Masoretic Text of the Old Testament
What is the Masoretic Text? Did it only exist starting 916 A.D. or is there proof of it a thousand or more years earlier? Is the Greek Septuagint an improvement to the text God originally inspired in Hebrew? What is a jot and tittle in Aramaic? Do the Dead Sea Scrolls found in Qumran support the Masoretic Text? What about the Great Isaiah Scroll? Was the Masoretic Text meticulously counted and checked? …
Let's Get Real About Halloween
Is Halloween an actual Christian holiday? Is it listed among the 'Feast of the Lord' in Leviticus 23? Where did the date October 31 come from? What about All Saints Day and the Mexican Day of the Dead? Did Celtic Druid observations of Samhain (pronounced sah-vah) occur then? Any similarities to Japanese, Chinese, or Scottish traditions? Is Halloween an important holiday to Satanists and those involved with Wicca? What is the origin of bonfires, costumes, and going door to door? Should Christians dress up as ghosts, witches, harlots, or 'sexy nurses' to celebrate it? …
Dispelling Lies About Evangelist Evans Ochieng
Continuing Church of God (CCOG) evangelist Evans Ochieng was originally a Seventh-day Adventist before becoming part of the old Worldwide Church of God. After the apostasy hit the old WCG, he became a host in the old Global then Living Church of God, before going elsewhere. In November 2013, after reviewing CCOG websites and literature, he asked to be part of CCOG. He came in with 260 people and now oversees 4,000 …
The Septuagint and its Apocrypha
Are you familiar with the Septuagint? Did you know that it is the official Old Testament of the Eastern Orthodox and is also the main version of the Old Testament used by the Roman Catholics? Did God inspire the translators of it to improve the Hebrew text? Is the Septuagint superior to the Masoretic Hebrew text of the Old Testament which is used by Jews, Protestants, and the Continuing Church of God? Is the Septuagint older? What about the Dead Sea Scrolls?
Last Great Day: God is impartial and has a plan for all
Is God fair? Is God partial? Are only some being called now? Why? Wouldn't it be better if everyone knew God now? What is prophesied in Ezekiel 37? What about the former and latter rain? What did Jesus teach on the Last Great Day? Do the Jews have any idea of its importance? Will idolaters be called? Does God have a time-plan different than most people do? Dr. Thiel addresses these issues and more? …
Christian Feast of Tabernacles
The ''Feast of Tabernacles'' is a 7-day Biblical pilgrimage festival, also known as the Feast of Booths or simply ''Tabernacles" (Jews tend to call it Sukkot or Sukkah). It occurs in September and/or October each year on the Roman calendar. Should Christians keep it? Where is it kept? How is it financed? Did God partially create the moon to mark it in Genesis? Did Jesus and the Apostle Paul keep it? …
Offertory - Feast of Tabernacles
Bill Wedekind presents an offertory for the Feast of Tabernacles. The Bible commands offerings to be taken up at the Feast of Tabernacles per Deuteronomy 16:16. …
The Day of Atonement - God's 5th Holy Day
What makes a Holy Day Holy? What is the meaning of the Holy Days? Is God revealing a plan of His to all whom He has called? Were any Holy Days ordained in the New Testament? Were any Holy Days fulfilled in the Old Testament? What is the special significance of the Day of Atonement? Was the Day of Atonement "nailed to the cross"? …