How does the Continuing Church of God (CCOG) spend the tithes and offerings it receives? How much did its income change over the prior year? What does the Bible teach about ministerial salaries? Does the New Testament teach support of the poor brethren? Does the CCOG spend too much on Africa and Haiti? What about literature, radio, videos, animations, online platforms, Europe, and administrative expenses? Why doesn't Dr. Thiel or his wife Joyce take a salary? This short sermon addresses those and provides details behind the following spending: …
India, Prophecy, and the Beast in 2025?
Are there any ties between Hindu, Jewish, biblical, and early Christian, understandings of prophecy? Is it possible that the end of the 5000 year 'Kali Yuga' in 2025 coincides with the end of the 6000 years of humanity's rule? Or is it possible could closely coincide with the start of the Great Tribulation? Does the Bhagwan Kalki of Hindu prophecies have resemblances to the warring European King of the North Beast power? Have Hindus tied a rider of a white horse with the white horse …
What was the Original Language of the New Testament?
Was the New Testament originally written in Aramaic, Hebrew, or Greek? Did Jesus speak Syriac Aramaic or could the Peshitta be, as Assyrian Church of the East patriarch Shimun XXIII Eshai asserted in 1957, "the language spoken by our Lord Jesus Christ Himself, and that the Peshitta is the text of the Church of the East which has come down from the Biblical times without any …
21 Items To Watch In 2021
CCOG 2020 Hindsight: 8 Years of Philadelphian Restoration
Has there been 8 years of Philadelphian restoration in the Continuing Church of God? What has happened over the past 8 years. What happened in 2020? Was there any interference from censorship by Vimeo or YouTube? What are the plans for the future? Has God poured out His Spirit in the last days consistent with the Apostle Peter’s sermon in Acts 2:17-18? Has the CCOG taken more seriously performing the teachings of Deuteronomy 31:10-12 and Matthew 28:19-20 than any …
Let's Talk About Christmas
The New Testament teaches that Christians are to "contend earnestly" (NKJV) or "fight hard" (NJB) for the faith given once for all of God's saintly people (Jude 3). Was Christmas part of the original faith? Did early Christians observe Jesus' birthday? Did the custom of gift giving come from the 'three wise men' or from pagan observances? Did Tertullian of Alexandria warn that Greco-Romans who professed Christianity were compromising with the heathen by participating in …
English Versions of the Bible and How Did We Get Them?
When did we get the New Testament in English? What was the involvement of John Wycliffe and William Tyndale? What about the Great Bible and the Geneva Bible? Is the best New Testament text the Traditional Text? Were the Apostles Paul, Peter, and John involved in putting together the New Testament? Were the canons passed on to Polycarp …
CCOG Q&A: OMG, Europe, German Identity, Vaccines, & More!
In this sermon, Dr. Thiel answers questions that have been submitted to the Church of God on many topics, such as: What about using expressions like gosh and OMG? Can Europe get together? Is mercy killing (euthanasia) allowable? What about stopping medical life support? Is it alright to become pregnant during this time?..
The Apostle Philip
The New Testament Canon From the Beginning
Were most of the New Testament books written to and from Asia Minor? Which ones? Do any scholars accept that the “Apostolic Canon of scripture first formed … in Asia Minor”? Was it the Church of God and not the Church of Rome? Is it possible that the Church of God in Asia Minor had the New Testament canon from the beginning? Is there any historical evidence suggesting that the Apostle John passed the knowledge of the canon to Polycarp of Smyrna? What about the Harris Fragments? …