Last Great Day: God Is Impartial And Has A Plan For All

Is God fair? Is God partial? Are only some being called now? Why? Wouldn't it be better if everyone knew God now? What is prophesied in Ezekiel 37? What about the former and latter rain? What did Jesus teach on the Last Great Day? Do the Jews have any idea of its importance? Will idolaters be called? Does God have a time-plan different than most people do? Dr. Thiel addresses these issues and more.

Nazarenes: Christians or Heretics?

The term 'Nazarene' was applied to early Christians by the Jews. It was also derisively applied to 'separatist' Christians who held to the Sabbath, biblical holy days, were binitarian, taught three resurrections, and believed in the millennium? Were the Nazarenes the same or different than the Ebionites when it came to the virgin birth and deity of Jesus? Were the Nazarenes 'proto-orthodox,' heretical, or original Christians? Did they trace themselves back to the original apostles? …

The Fantastic Gospel of the Kingdom of God!

What did the Old Testament teach about the Kingdom of God? What did the Apostles and Jesus teach about the Gospel of the Kingdom of God in the New Testament? What are some examples of false gospels? Will there be a millennium? Will saints reign in it? Does the Kingdom of God consist of two phases: a physical one lasting a thousand years and a spiritual one lasting forever and ever? Will this kingdom be more fantastic than people can imagine? …

The Ten Commandments & The Beast of Revelation

Did early Christians keep the Ten Commandments? What are the Ten Commandments? What is the decalogue? What are each of the Ten Commandments? Are the Ten Commandments burdensome? Is the purpose of the commandments love? Will end time Christians keep the Ten Commandments? Will the Beast and Antichrist try to stop people from keeping the Ten Commandments? Is obedience to God required for Christians?

Millennial Kingdom of God

Did early Christians teach the millennium? Did they tie it in with the Sabbath? Did early Christians believe that Jesus would return 6,000 years after Adam & Eve? What about the Jews? Was the millennium an original catholic doctrine? Did Nazarene Christians tie the keeping of the Feast of Tabernacles with the millennial kingdom of God? What is chiliasm? Does the Bible support the millennial teaching? …

Behind the Work 2021: Preparing to Instruct Many

What has been going on in the Continuing Church of God? What is the reason for documented books on the Bible, church differences, and doctrine? What about sermons on those topics as well as prophecy? Are Philadelphian Christians prophesied to instruct many in the end times? Does this include Gentiles? What about reaching people of multiple religions? What about the use of multiple languages? Are you willing to accept the Philadelphian role and be prepared to instruct many?

Feast of Tabernacles: 2021 Opening Night Message

The Bible commands keeping the Feast of Tabernacles. Is that the only reason to keep it? What about learning? What about rejoicing? Can you rejoice about matters in your past and present? What about the future millennial Kingdom of God? Can you rejoice and be happy despite tests and trials? What if things go wrong at the Feast of Tabernacles? Does God's word promise no problems? Does it promise a fantastic eternity? …