Jesus stated that an Elijah to come would restore all things (Mathew 17:11). Did Herbert W. Armstrong restore anything? Consistent with Daniel 12:4, Were there truths that were to be restored in the 21st century? What are some that have been restored? What about church history, the original catholic church, the faith once for all delivered to the saints, and apostolic succession? What are the last days signs of Acts 2:17-18? What about …
21st Century Elijah
Was John the Baptist the prophesied Elijah or at least a type of Elijah? Is there an Elijah to come? Have Sabbatarians been teaching this a long time? What were 18 truths that Herbert W. Armstrong said God had him restore? Was anything to be restored in the last days, consistent with Daniel 12:4 and Matthew 17:11? Was God supposed to restore dreams and prophets in the last days? …
Sixth Commandment: Murder, Anger, Kindness, And Love
The sixth commandment states, "You shall not murder." How did Jesus extend the understanding of that command? What did He teach about anger and treating enemies? What did the Old Testament teach about anger? What does the New Testament teach about violence, anger, kindness, and self-control? If early Christians would not voluntarily be part of the military, when did that change? Did Roman Emperor Constantine influence …
Loneliness And Ways To Help Cure It
The late Roy Orbison had a song titled 'Only the Lonely." Many people are lonely, whether they are single or married. Does Satan prey on the lonely? Is it fine to live as a hermit? Is there a place for "alone time."? What does the Bible say about being alone? What can be done to deal with loneliness? Was there loneliness in the old Worldwide Church of God? What about fellowship? What are steps that Philadelphian Christians, and those that wish to be, can take? What should your focus be? Can Jesus really help you? …
Personal Christian Trials, Lessons, & Faith
Do true Philadelphian Christians have trials? Once you are baptized, will everything be like a bowl of cherries without pits? What does the Bible say about Christians, trials, and tribulation? In this sermon, Dr. Thiel goes over various events in his life that included trials and tests related to the Sabbath, Holy days, education, jobs, and marriage. …
Lying Wonders and Original Beliefs
Were lying wonders part of why Greco-Romans changed their beliefs? What doctrines did Gregory Thaumaturgus (the 'Wonder-Worker') promote that got accepted? What about the impact of 'Marian' apparitions and delusional people? Where did the rosary and brown scapular come from? Does the Great Monarch, with pagan prophetic ties, sound like the Beast/King of the North, that the Bible warns against? Should books based on scripture and history be considered "bad books" by faithful …
Pentecost Sermon by Sasha Veljic
Pentecost Offertory: Reach Others
Holy Mother Church and Heresies
What was the original "Holy Mother Church" according to Greco-Roman Catholic and Church of God writers? What is heresy? What did the Council of Trent declare in 1546? Does the Continuing Church of God or the Greco-Roman Catholic and Protestant churches best practice the original faith? What did Jesus teach about tradition? Was the idea that there were two major groups professing Christ, one more associated with Asia Minor & Antioch and the other with Rome & Alexandria taught by many leaders in the 2nd and 3rd centuries? Which is faithful? …
The Three Angels' Messages
The 14th chapter of the Book of Revelation tells of messages from three angels. Are these messages from humans or three actual angels? Have these messages been going forth since the time of Jesus or are any or all of them for the future? Has Babylon fallen? What did leaders during the Sardis era teach about it? What did the Radio Church of God teach about the three angels messages? …