Passover Preparation

Passover is a memorial of Jesus' death. Are Christians supposed to keep it? If so, are we to examine ourselves so that we do not eat it in an unworthy manner and bring judgment upon ourselves according to the Apostle Paul? Are Christians to strive to keep the Ten Commandments and to be perfect according to Jesus? Do Christians still need repentance once they have been baptized and had hands laid upon them? What about supporting the work of God in this age? …

Hierarchical Governance and Corruption

Does the Bible support democracy or top down government for the Church of God? Does God work, primarily, through one human leader at a time? Did the late Pastor General of the old Worldwide Church of God, Herbert W. Armstrong, repeatedly teach that God worked primarily through "ONE MAN AT A TIME, though with others (male and female) assisting that leader? Who is that one man now? Who should be eliminated as being that one man? …

King Charles III Coronation and Prophecy

The BBC, the UK Guardian, and Buckingham Palace reported various preparations for the planned May 6, 2023 coronation of King Charles III. In March 2023, oil from the Mount of Olives was consecrated for this ceremony. The Stone of Destiny, also called the Stone of Scone, is to leave Scotland to be placed in the coronation chair in Westminster Abby for the coronation. Can any of this possibly have any connections to biblical prophecies about Judah having the sceptre, …

Ephesians 5-6: Put on the Whole Armor of God, Marriage, Child Rearing

This is the third part of a three part sermon covering the Apostle Paul’s epistle/letter to the Ephesians. In it, Dr. Thiel goes over each verse in the fifth and sixth chapters of Ephesians--he also includes a lot of related commentary from the late Herbert W. Armstrong and others from the old Radio/Worldwide Church of God. The sermon goes over being God's children, striving for perfection, …

Ephesians 3-4: Godhead, Immortality, Your Purpose

This is the second part of a three part sermon covering the Apostle Paul’s epistle/letter to the Ephesians. In it, Dr. Thiel goes over each verse in the third and fourth chapters of Ephesians--he also includes a lot of related commentary from the late Herbert W. Armstrong of the old Radio/Worldwide Church of God. The sermon goes over several mysteries as well as the restoration of the truth about what God's purpose is for each human being who will accept God's ways. …

Woes, WWIV, and the Good News of the Kingdom of God

Do you know about the three woes of Revelation? Are they associated with 5th, 6th, and 7th trumpets? What happens with each of the woes? Will there be a fourth world war? Could China's 'Belt & Road Initiative' and the European Union's 'Global Gateway' assist in trade as well as movement of troops? Is a Russia led multi-national army going to fight forces of the European Babylonian 'King of the North' Beast power? What will the 200,000,000 man army do? Will areas that looked like the 'Garden of Eden' become a wilderness? …

The Rise and Fall of the King of the South

The Bible tells of a leader called the King of the South. Biblically, he looks to be involved with at least three deals with the coming European King of the North Beast power. In 2015, Saudi Arabia announced a military coalition of 34 countries who agreed to defend the "Islamic nation." Is such a nation foretold in Bible prophecy? Will those in North Africa and the Middle East support it? Will hunger or other problems help lead to the rise of an Imam Mahdi, who could be the biblical King of the South? …