The late second century overseer, Melito of Sardis, is considered to be a saint by the Roman Catholics, Eastern Orthodox, and the Continuing Church of God. What were his views on the Godhead, millennium, the proper date for Passover (which Roman Catholics call Easter), and the proper books of the Old Testament? What did the late Pastor General of the old Worldwide Church of God, write about him? What did Melito teach about the Passover of the children of Israel and the fulfillment through Jesus? What about the need for animal sacrifices and a temple? Was Melito considered to be a prophet by Tertullian? Could Melito have known Polycarp of Smyrna? …
Deleavening Your Life
Prior to Passover and the Days of Unleavened Bread, the Bible teaches that Christians should examine whether or not they are in the faith and change. Do Christians need to overcome? What did the late Herbert W. Armstrong state about being saved and the blood of Christ? Do Christians still need to repent? What is sin? How does physical leaven help demonstrate traits of sin? What are physical leavening agents that Christians should remove? What are some physical items that are not actually leaven? Are Christians supposed to strive …
Is Easter Really A Christian Holiday?
Many consider that Easter is the most important holiday that Christians observe. Did early Christians observe it? Could Easter have been observed 4000 years ago? Do Greco-Roman Catholic and Protestant scholars teach that what is called Easter is supposed to be Passover. Do Easter eggs and rabbits come from the Bible? Does the Bible condemn hot cross buns and something that has connections to eating ham? Could Easter-Sunday and Passover be observed the same day and for the same reasons? Is there any connection of the pagan fertility goddess Ishtar and Easter? What about writings from the 8th century …
Christian Growth: Consider the Monarch
God has a purpose for everything He does. This sermon is based on a shorter message given by the late deacon Richard Close. Richard pointed out certain patterns of numbers and also tied some of them in with the physical creation. What about clean and unclean meats? What are the four stages of development of a monarch butterfly? Are humans called worms in scripture? What about the appearance of a chrysalis seemingly doing nothing? Is there any relationship that can be drawn from the metamorphosis of a pupa/chrysalis and a begotten child of God being changed? …
Great Tribulation Protection
Is disaster coming? Do Christians have to have any concerns about what will happen? Does Jesus promise to physically save some or all Christians? If only some, which? As far as a disastrous time coming, did Jesus say it would be the worst time ever? Does the Bible point to something resembling nuclear destruction? What about the opening of the fifth seal of the Apocalypse. Will the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom be subject to the start of the Great Tribulation? Is fleeing to a mountainous part of the USA the answer? Does the Old Testament also warn about that? …
Raising Successful Children
Are there things you as a Christian parent can do to increase the probability of your children being successful? This sermon goes over ten points. It delves into such topics as teaching God's law, having fun, discipline, social media, gender reassignment interventions, hypocrisy, truth, hope, marriage, the millennial kingdom of God, artificial intelligence, the world's claimed experts, and work. Do children of 'conservative' parents tend to have better mental health than children of 'liberal' parents? …
CCOG Q&A: Nimrod, the 'Little Book,' Scythians, and more!
In this sermon, Dr. Thiel goes over questions and answers that the old Worldwide Church of God received. He provides additional scriptures and comments related to the answers that the old WCG provided. Topics covered include books of other religions, Nimrod's connections to pagan holidays, Paul the Benjaminite Jew, 1 Peter 4;5-6, Polish origins, Jesus & national Jewish holiday likes Purim, the fate of aborted or miscarried babies, that …
Plain Truth About Heaven
Is heaven the reward of the saved? What does the Bible teach saints will inherit? What was Abram (Abraham) promised? What did Jesus teach the meek would inherit in the 'Sermon on the Mount'? What did early Christians teach and believe about this? What did the Greco-Roman Catholic saint Justin teach about those who said that when you die you go to heaven? Do 'near death experiences' prove heaven? Were people like Clement of Alexandria affected by Greek and Egyptian pagan philosophy? Should Christians rely on the testimony of Irenaeus …
8th Commandment: Do Not Steal or Cheat, Instead Produce and Give
Wouldn't it be great if we did not need keys? What about if the value of money did not drop (inflation) because governments use dross coinage and/or print up (physically or electronically) money? What does the eighth commandment state and cover? Are crimes of auto theft, shoplifting, and other forms of theft up in nations such as the USA, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom? Why do people steal? Does what is called "shrinkage" increase costs? What about cheating? What about false weights, false advertising, and mob stealing? Are their societal costs to academic and marital …
Dating for a Happier Marriage
Does the Bible have information that can help people who want to have a happier marriage and avoid divorce? Do any modern studies support the advantages of virginity before marriage? Should dating couples follow the standards of Hollywood and the world or scripture? What are some activities that could be done on a date? Who should pay for a date? How should one dress for a date? What does the Bible teach about fornication and sexual morality? What about love? What about lust or "falling in love"? …