Do the Quran and Bible agree on numerous points of doctrine and prophecy? Both Islam and Christianity teach that Jesus' mother Mary was a virgin and that Jesus is our intercessor. While the Bible teaches that Jesus was the Son of God, died, and was resurrected, most Muslims do not believe that--but is this because there are errors in the Bible or mistranslations in the Quran? Does a literal translation of part of Sura 5:117 (مَّا دُمْتُ فِيهِمْ ۖ فَلَمَّا تَوَفَّيْتَنِى كُنتَ أَنتَ ٱلرَّقِيبَ عَلَيْهِمْ) show that Jesus said He did die? Does the 'Great Isaiah Scroll' and the other 'Dead Sea Scrolls' help prove that the Bible was not corrupted? Have "traditions of men" impacted …
Dajjal, Antichrist, Gold, & Mark of the Beast?
Islam tells of a deceiver arising called the Dajjal, whom Muslims tend to equate with the Beast that rises from the sea in Revelation 13:1-10. Whereas they tend to use the term Dabbatul-Ard for the Beast that comes out of the earth in Revelation 13:11. While both are 'antichrists,' the False Prophet of Revelation is the final Antichrist, consistent with 1 John 4:1-3. Do biblical and Islamic prophecies point to the time of the greatest tribulation in history coinciding with the reign of these beasts? Do Islam and the Bible tell of any who will be spared, "from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth"? (Revelation 3:10). Will gold be valuable after the start of the great tribulation? Might the Beast and Antichrist use wealth to gain support? Will 666 use Artificial Intelligence and digital/electronic currencies, like a CBDC, to control buying and selling? Why might gold …
Terrorism, Iran, and Fatima
Does the Bible warn about terrorism, whereas the Quran encourages it? What is Psalm 83 and Isaiah 9 telling us? Will the USA, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom be hit by more terrorism? Are there prophecies showing great damage coming to part of Jerusalem as well as the tiny nation called Israel by a confederation of Iran, Syria, Hezbollah, and Palestinians? Do Muslims revere Mary? Did Muslims have prayer beads before Roman Catholics had rosaries? Who was Fatima? What about the tie to the apparition that appeared to three shepherd children in 1917 in Fatima, Portugal? Might 'Mary' be used as an ecumenical and interfaith tool? What did …
Let's Talk About Pentecost
What is Pentecost? What happened in Acts 2? Does the last days prophecy related to dreams in Acts 2:17-18 have current application? What did the old Worldwide Church of God teach about that? Should we continue steadfastly in the doctrine of the apostles? Did Jesus and the Apostles keep Pentecost? What about the Apostle Paul? How do you count Pentecost? What are some clues in the Old Testament related to the same day? If there is a first harvest, is there a second harvest? What does "firstfruits" have to do with Pentecost, Jesus, and Christians? Does keeping God's annual holy days help us better understand His plan of salvation? Is God only calling some now? If there is a battle between God and Satan going on, which would win? Does God's plan include giving all who ever lived an opportunity for salvation? …
Pentecost Offertory: Reach Others
Imam Mahdi, Women, and Prophecy
What are some reasons many Muslims are devout? Does Islam consider Jesus and Muhammad prophets? Many Muslims believe that a leader called the Imam Mahdi will arise and cause poverty to cease in Islamic lands. Shiites and some Sunnis believe he is also prophesied in the Hebrew scriptures as well as being called the Son of Man in the New Testament. Is Iran using Artificial Intelligence to ensure women wear the Hijab? What is the Western view of Islam and women? Who were the four '"perfect women" according to Muhammad? What is the Islamic view of …
Seeing Christianity Through Islamic Eyes
Many who do not live in Islamic countries know little about Islam and even less about how Muslims view the West and what they see of those who profess Christianity. Back in 1980, the old Worldwide Church of God published an article by Keith Stump titled 'Seeing the World Through Islamic Eyes.' Muslims themselves tend to view the West as hypocritical, decadent, and immoral. They tend to see the world's version of 'Christianity' as false and compromised. Many would be surprised to realize that Muhammad claimed that there were two kinds of Christians: the faithful and …
Christian Meditation
Should Christian's meditate? If so, on what? If so, why? Can meditation help a Christian be more successful? Is there a right and a wrong way to meditate? Should Christian meditation be focused or mainly based on repeating a sound from the Vedas? What about Eastern meditation or Transcendental Meditation? What about mantras such as used by Hindus and Buddhists? What does 'om' (AUM) mean? Could Psalm 37 or 73 help some who are facing difficulties? What does the Old Testament teach about meditation? What does the New Testament teach about meditation? Are there differences between men and women when it comes to the brain and meditating? Are Christians to live a contemplating life as opposed to being involved with others? What about love, the Ten Commandments, and the reality of the Kingdom of God? What did Jesus say about what goes on in the heart and then actions? What about …
European Union & 7 Kings of Revelation 17:10
Could the European Union be involved in biblical prophecies? If so, which? What did the EU form from? Did the little horn of Benelux grow larger towards the south and east as Daniel prophesied? What about the seven kings of Revelation 17:10? Could they be connected to the so-called 'Holy Roman Empire'? What is the 'Marian' EU flag based upon? Might the seven kings be Justinian's Imperial Restoration, Charlemagne's Frankish Empire, the 'Holy Roman Empire' of Otto the Great, the Hohenstaufen Dynasty, the Habsburg Dynasty, the European Economic Community/European Union, and the Beast of the Sea of Revelation 13? What about Napoleon or …
Asia Minor and Early Apostolic Succession
According to the words of Jesus and the Apostle Paul, was it possible for one city to be the continuous headquarters of the true Christian church for centuries? Where did Hippolytus of Rome and 'Fox's Book of Martyrs' say that the original apostles went? What about Europe, the British Isles India, China, Malaysia, Egypt, Africa, Iran, Antioch, and Asia Minor? Where were most of the books of the New Testament written to or from? Where did the last of the twelve apostles die? What were some of the early apostolic teachings that many changed? What about the change to Sunday? Were Gentiles keeping the Sabbath in the late second century? What about Passover on the 14th? …