Christians say No to Christmas

Was Jesus born on the 25th of December? Can you be certain He was not? If He was not, should Christians celebrate December 25 as His birth date? Was December 25th really celebrated by pagans as the birthday of the sun-god Mithras/Natalis Invicti? Did early Christians celebrate Jesus' birth? Are many of the traditions associated with Christmas actually pagan as associated with the Saturnalia of Roman and the Druid practices of the winter solstice? What about evergreen trees, ivy, holly, exchange of gifts, and mistletoe? Do Buddhists and Hindus uses 'Christmas lights' today? Was 'Saint Nicholas' …

The Philadelphia Remnant

If the Philadelphia era of the Church of God (COG) ended the last century, would there be a remnant in the 21st century? Can parts of two different eras of the COG exist at that same time? Are all COGs the same as far as God is concerned? Did Herbert W. Armstrong and the old Radio/Worldwide Church of God point to Philadelphians being around until fleeing to the wilderness before the Great Tribulation? What are scriptural reasons why there must be a Philadelphia remnant? What did dreams have to do with the …

Philadelphia Church Era: History & Teachings

This sermon mentions a little bit about the ancient city of Philadelphia, but its focus is on 20th century church issues. The late Herbert W. Armstrong claimed that God used him to raise up the Philadelphia era of the Church of God. He believed that there was a transition from the Sardis to Philadelphia era that happened in 1933. He said he left the Church of God, Seventh Day because it rejected truth and was instead knowingly willing to teach falsehoods and errors. This sermon touches on the history of the Philadelphia era from its going on radio to its becoming known as the Radio …

What happens after death?

There are many views about what happens after death, but only one true authority, the Holy Bible. What is death? Do scientists struggle with that? Does the Bible teach 'soul sleep' or the immortality of the soul? What did early Christians believe? Did anyone ever return from the dead? What about 'near death experiences'? Can you communicate with your dead loved ones? What will happen to the dead? What, if anything, are the dead up to now?

Zerubbabel and Joshua for 21st Century?

A 6th century BC governor of Judea/Jerusalem was named Zerubbabel. He is mentioned in books by Ezra, Nehemiah, and Haggai. All had opposition doing the work of God. Zerubbabel is sometimes mentioned with one named Jeshua/Joshua. Could prophecies associated with Zerubbabel apply to Jesus or Herbert W. Armstrong? Do prophecies tie this Joshua in with Garner Ted Armstrong? Might Zerubbabel and Joshua be a type of the two olive trees, the two witnesses? What did the old Worldwide and Radio Church of God teach about Zerubbabel and Joshua? Since Zerubbabel seemingly saw the first temple …

2 Thessalonians, Falling Away, & Man of Sin

In this sermon, Dr. Thiel went through each and every verse of the Apostle Paul’s Second Letter to the Thessalonians. The term "churches of God" is mentioned, as well as persecutions, and persecutions that may soon affect Philadelphian Christians--plus that God will avenge His persecuted. He discusses prophecies related to the "falling away," as well as some writings from the late Herbert W. Armstrong on that topic. The timing of the falling away prior to Jesus' second coming is mentioned as well as the potential applicability of Zechariah 13:7-9 with the Tkach apostasy. Fallings away that impacted the …

1 Thessalonians & the Return of Jesus

In this sermon, Dr. Thiel goes through each and every verse of the Apostle Paul's Letter to the Thessalonians. He also gives background on the history of Thessaloniki. He notes that Paul's epistle starts out with what could be considered to be a binitarian formula. He mentioned that Paul wrote that Christians were called and predestined and states that people are not predestined to be lost. He mentions Romans 11 and the late Herbert W. Armstrong's position on the fullness of Gentiles coming …

Thankful or Complainer?

Are you grateful for what you have or are you mainly a grumbler? Are you a thankful person or mainly a complainer? Do you give thanks to God? Does the Bible actually say to do that? What about trials and difficulties? Does the Bible say anything about people who are not thankful? What did the late evangelist Dibar Apartian write was 'the most common sin'? Should you be giving thanks to God?. …

5 Ways Christians Can Biblically Celebrate Halloween?

A recent article at was titled '5 Ways Christians Can Biblically Celebrate Halloween.' Is that the case? What were the "five ways"? What were the scriptures given? What were many scriptures that were overlooked? What about witches, costumes, trick-or-treating, and other things associated with Halloween? Are 'All Saints Day' and 'All Souls Day' Christian holidays? Should Christians pray to dead saints to intervene? Is the 'Washington Post' correct that Halloween is a Christian, not pagan holiday? What about the influence of Druids, Celts, and Samhein? Protestant Pastor Alan Rudnik's ...

Last Great Day: God is Love

This was a message for the biblical holy day the Jews call Shemini Azeret, but those in the Churches of God normally refer to as the Last Great Day. In i …t Dr. Thiel explains that the all knowing, all wise, all powerful God of love, does have a plan of salvation that will result in nearly all being saved. He cites scriptures as well as historical writings to show that this is a biblical concept. Will God truly offer salvation to all?