The only way to have true and real success is to rely on God. This is the third message in a three-part sermon on success. In this sermon, Dr. Thiel cites scriptures, the "Rely on God" sermon from the late Worldwide Church of God Pastor General Herbert W. Armstrong, the "seventh laws of success', and goes over the purpose of life which is a mystery to most. He also explains that people turned against God's prophets and leaders, despite the importance God place …
Arguments for Christmas?
This sermon goes over four articles, two from Protestants and two from Roman Catholics, who give their reasons and arguments for why they feel that real Christians should observe the 25th of December as Christmas. The writers generally admit that Jesus was not born then, that the trappings of Christmas are pagan, the timing is pagan (it coincided with the pagan Saturnalia and the birthday of the sun god Mithras), and that Santa Claus is a lie. Dr. Thiel explains errors in their arguments, brings up …
Jesus and Guaranteed Success
Can you have guaranteed success? Yes, according to Jesus and the Apostle Paul. In this second-part of a three part series, Dr. Thiel goes over three more of the "seven laws of success" that were espoused by the late Pastor General of the old Worldwide Church of God, Herbert W. Armstrong. These "laws" involve drive, resourcefulness, and perseverance. What about love? Are Christians guaranteed success if they endure and do not give up? What are some of the scriptures that support these success "laws"? …
Three Scriptural Laws of Success
The End of European Babylon
The end of 'Babylon' is prophesied in the Bible, yet some Greco-Roman Catholic writers look forward to it. Where did Babylon come from? Any connection to Nimrod or the Tower of Babel? How have Sardis and Philadelphian remnants of the Church of God identified Babylon? Any connection to the Church of Rome and seven hills? Do scriptures support the final Antichrist being an antipope/anti-pope? Is that person expected to do prodigies/miracles, signs, and lying wonders? Will Europe enforce the "mark of the beast" and 666 controls? What about the …
Europe In Prophecy
Is Europe mentioned in biblical prophecy? What is the 'Great Sea'? Any connection between the Mediterranean Sea and the Beast that arises from the sea in Revelation 13 or the King of the North of Daniel 11? Might a Habsburg or Emperor Constantine descendant reign over some version of a reorganized (Revelation 17:12-13) 'Holy Roman Empire'? Will troubles, like those associated with the rides of the 'Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse' be a factor in the rise of the coming European Beast power? Could the final Antichrist be an anti-pope who will only initially pretend to be Roman Catholic? Will there be signs and lying wonders? Will nations of the world prosper with …
European history and the Bible
Where did Europe get its name? Did the Europeans travel through Asia before arriving in Europe? What about Zeus, Astarte, Eostre, Semiramis, and the Queen of Heaven? What does the Bible teach about the 'Queen of Heaven'? What about Mystery Babylon the Great? Which is the city of seven hills according to Roman Catholic scholars? What about 666? Did John Paul II and Metropolitan …
Baptism, Infants, Fire, & the Second Death
This is the second-part of a two-part sermon series about baptism. Who should be baptized? When should someone be baptized? How long should you wait to be baptized? What does baptism picture? What about infant baptism? What about the blessing of children by Jesus--was that an example of infant baptism? Did Martin Luther follow the example of Jesus or …
Let's Talk About Baptism
Do you know about baptism? Where did people like John the Baptist get the idea? Some sprinkle, some immerse, some do not use water--which is the type Christians originally utilized? Why does it seem that Jesus got baptized? Does the Holy Spirit come from baptism, or afterwards with the laying on of hands? What about the blood of Jesus? Are you begotten or born-again at baptism? Does baptism picture a type of resurrection? Who should perform the baptism? Is re-baptism ever necessary? What does baptism picture? …
Halloween, Protestants, and Scripture
Should Christians celebrate Halloween? It became an official holiday in the 9th century after a pronouncement by the Roman Catholic Pope Gregory IV. Protestants such as Joy Wendling, Kirk Cameron, Hailey Biebber, and Alan Rudnick think Christians should keep it. But other Protestants have issues with that. What about the Church of God, which is not Protestant nor Roman Catholic? …