Apr 3, 2015
In the Spring of 2015, a study came out highlighting the increasing use of antibiotics fed to livestock in order to decrease production costs. This was mainly affecting livestock in the Americas and Asia, but not in Europe. Excessive antibiotic use increases the risks of 'super bugs' and presents health risks to humans and livestock. Could those in the USA, Canada, UK, Russia, China, India, Brazil, and South Africa be setting themselves up for pestilence and/or famine? Could Europe miss some plague because of this? What does the Bible prophesy?
A written article of related interest is titled "Antibiotic use in livestock is a threat to humans (and livestock)" URL: http://www.cogwriter.com/news/prophec...
Many consider that the use of marijuana is both safe and non-addictive. Is that so? The New York Times reported that since the legalization of the drug across much of the USA, that there have been increases in physical and mental disorders among users of cannabis …
Under President Trump the U.S.A. may impose tariffs on other countries. Are there any unintended consequences?
World News Item: Hamas and Israel have agreed to a ceasefire! But will this ceasefire really bring
There is a massive fire raging in the State of California. The size and devastation of this fire
Newsflash – Ford pickup truck plows into crowd in New Orleans.
Newsflash – Driver blows up Tesla pickup truck in Las Vegas.
Newsflash – Mass shooting in New York City injures 10.
… “The City is Full of Violence”.
Everywhere we look we find terror and violence the whole world through.
Is there any light of prophecy that can offer a glimmer of understanding and hope to a world gone berserk?
The Beast of Revelation is shown as controlling all buying and selling. Might CBDCs fill a role in that control?
The Bank of International Settlement predicts there will be at least 9 CBDCs in circulation by 2030. Globalists would prefer a faster pace.
What nations or groups of nations are pushing for a Central Bank Digital Currency? …
The world event Dr. Thiel will focus on today center around the “Abomination of Desolation”.
It seems like everyone that professes Christianity has heard about the abomination of desolation. It is mentioned in both the Old (Dan 11:31) and New (Matt 24:15) Testament.
Jesus Christ, Himself, referred to the abomination spoken of by Daniel the prophet. And He told us it would usher in a time of terrible trouble. …
World events are speeding toward the final chapter of mankind’s attempt at utopia. Is the Great Tribulation right around the corner? Many false Biblical prognosticators have led us to believe that the Great Tribulation will begin in 2025. Are they right? Dr. Thiel uses scripture to shine the light of Biblical prophecy on their prognostications to prove that these false prognosticators are still false. …
The world events Dr. Thiel will focus on today will be the recent record rise in the value of Bitcoin to over $100,000.00
The are several questions that will be addressed. Among them are: Will Bitcoin replace gold? Is Bitcoin as valuable as gold? Will nations just accumulate Bitcoin, will they just accumulate gold, or will they accumulate both? Will governments embrace bitcoin? …
What about the short work of Romans 9:28? What needs to happen before it is time to flee? Won't having the gospel of the kingdom in 2000 languages be a factor in Matthew 24:14? What about John Ogwyn and the final phase of the work? Some aspects of the work need to be done before the famine of the word of Amos 8:11-12. Louis Rubin proposes some ideas on how others can help support the work. …