Are there demons? Are they helpful for children? Should your children try to contact demons? Well, there is something marketed as a children's book to do so. It is titled "A Children's Book of Demons." The book's author is Aaron Leighton. Is this harmless fun or is it dangerous? Are demons actually real? What does the Bible teach about them? What are some of the ramifications of summoning demons with names such as Corydon? Are there actually pedophilia (so-called "boy love"( connections that the demonic book is promoting? Is the worship of angels to be encouraged? What should Christian parents be teaching their children? Dr. Thiel addresses these issues and more in this scripture-filled video message.
A written article of related interest is available titled: “A Children’s Book of Demons” Teaches Children How to Summon Demons. URL: https://www.cogwriter.com/news/doctri...