Infant Baptism: Scripture and History

Infant Baptism: Scripture and History
Dr. Bob Thiel

Does the Bible teach infant baptism? What about godparents? Are children to be blessed? Are they to be baptized? What does the Bible teach about baptism? Was infant baptism an original practice of the apostles as Origen maintained or an unwritten ordinance as the Catholic Encyclopedia asserts? Does the Martyrdom of Polycarp prove or support infant baptism? What did Tertullian and Gregory of Naziazen teach about baptizing children? What about the Flemish theologian Jodocus Tiletanus? Was baptism by immersion of sprinkling? What about mixing oil? What did Irenaeus write? Which groups supported infant baptism? Which groups opposed it? What did Protestants like Martin Luther, John Calvin, and other 'reformers' teach? Did Jesus endorse blessing of children or infant baptism? Dr. Thiel addresses these issues and more.

A written article of related interest is available titled "Blessing of Children or Infant Baptism?" URL:


