Israeli West Bank settlement Ma’ale Adumim (Photo: עקב)
On November 18, 2019, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced that the USA did not consider Israeli settlements on the West Bank of the Jordan river to be illegal under international law. This action was praised by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. A letter signed by 200 Israeli rabbis, praised US President Trump for this and said he fulfilled prophecies in Jeremiah 31. Did he? Pope Francis and the Vatican essentially condemned the move as did Euronews and the Palestinians. Foreign Policy.com stated that this action marked the end of Pax Americana. Will Pax Americana be replaced by a temporal Pax Europa? What will happen to the Middle East? Will there be a peace deal confirmed by a European leader will rise up? Will this lead to real peace or destruction? Will damage happen to Jerusalem? Dr. Thiel addresses these issues and more.
A related written article of related interest is available titled "US decision on West Bank settlements is unsettling to many: End of Pax Americana?" URL: https://www.cogwriter.com/news/prophe...