Should You Smoke? Would You Like Help to Quit?

(Photo by Geierunited)

(Photo by Geierunited)

Should You Smoke? Would You Like Help to Quit?
Dr. Bob Thiel

It has been said that bad habits are easy to get into, but difficult to get out of. Smoking leads to disease and disability and harms nearly every organ of the body. On average, smokers die 10 years earlier than nonsmokers. A 20-cigarette-a-day smoker racks up an average of 150 mutations in every lung cell each year. Many find it hard to stop smoking as the nicotine habit is a difficult addiction to break. Is smoking a sin? Can smokers quit? Why did Herbert W. Armstrong quit smoking? Are there things that smokers can do to help them quit? If you have tried to quit before and failed, should you keep trying? Does the Bible offer any help to people addicted to smoking or other vices? Does Jesus promise rewards for those who overcome? Dr. Thiel addresses these issues and more.

A written article of related interest is available titled "Should Christians Smoke Tobacco or Marijuana?" URL:

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