Wipe Out Humans to Save the Earth?

Wipe Out Humans to Save the Earth?
Dr. Bob Thiel

Some of the irreligious consider that human beings are parasites and the universe would be better of with less of them. Professor Patrician MacCormack wrote a book titled 'The Ahuman Manifesto' where she blames nearly all problems on white heterosexual males and advocates phasing out human reproduction to save the planet. Are humans capable of destroying the planet? What did Jesus say and do? Why did God destroy Sodom and Gomorrah? Are human beings really parasites that are not helpful? If God is calling you can you be working to make eternity better now? What is God's plan for humans? Are humans supposed to rule the universe and make it better? Dr. Thiel addresses these matters and more.

Two free online books were suggested for more information:

'The MYSTERY of GOD’s PLAN: Why Did God Create Anything? Why did God make you?' URL: https://www.cogwriter.com/mystery-god...

'Is God Calling You?' URL: https://www.cogwriter.com/IsGodCallin...


