Asia (Pixabay image)
What is ahead for Russia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Indonesia, the Philippines, Vietnam, Armenia, Malaysia, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Nepal, Bhutan, Iran, Myanmar, Kazakhstan, Georgia, the Arab Gulf states, and others in Asia? Is there increased cooperation? What about Vladimir Putin's Eurasian Economic Union and Xi Jinping's Belt and Road Initiative? What about the 200 million man army and Armageddon? What do biblical prophecies reveal? When will Asians here about the gospel of the kingdom of God? Who will destroy the United States? Might China and/or Japan end up with Australia and New Zealand? What about Chinese, Hindu, Russian, and Greco-Roman Catholic predictions? Did Nostradamus make a prediction consistent with biblical prophecy? Did most Asians descend from Japheth and become the Gentile peoples of the coast lands per Genesis 10? Will Asians worship the coming Babylonian European Beast power? Could Marian apparitions, like Fatima, be a factor? What about signs and lying wonders? Did Jeremiah write of a power from the north and ends of the earth would destroy the daughter of Babylon? Did Daniel write that the King of the North would be troubled by a power north and east of Europe? Will all flesh see the salvation of God? Does that include former idolators? Will Asian not called now have an opportunity for salvation after the second resurrection? Is there a way of escape now that individuals, in Asia or elsewhere, can learn about? Will most Asians be saved? Dr. Thiel addresses these issues and more.
An article of possibly related interest is available titled "Asia in Prophecy" URL: https://www.cogwriter.com/china3.htm