Is everything random? Is there really a Creator God? Was the Sabbath an accident? Is it scientific to believe so? Can you prove that Jesus is the Messiah? Are there only two ways of life? Aren't there many views of how to live? Or is it God's way vs. all the others? What about mixing of truth and error? Is God's word truth? Do the two trees in the Garden of Eden symbolically also represent two ways of life? Do the demons ever pray? What are the Ten Commandments? Did early Christians keep them? Do Protestants really believe is 'sola Scriptura'? Do Greco-Roman Catholics, like the Pharisees of old, reason around God's commandments? Can keeping God's commandments make you wiser? Dr. Thiel addresses these and other points in this sermon.
A written article of related interest is available titled: "The Ten Commandments: Cause and Effect"
Online books offered during this sermon can be found at: www.ccog.org/books/