Revelation 12:6 talks about a woman (symbolically the church) being in the wilderness for 1250 prophetic days, which since no later than 1649 has considered by some to be 1260 years, When was that period? 325-1585, 331-1591, or c. 380 - c. 1640? Who were many of the leaders during the 'wilderness' period? Was the true Christian church supposed to be large or a 'little flock' that Hades (the grave) would not prevail against? Which apostles are in the Continuing Church of God Apostolic Succession List? What are the names of early Church of God leaders who seemingly held the succession mantle in Asia Minor and Antioch? What are names of leaders who may have held it during the wilderness period in Armenia and Europe? What about India? Were there early lists that we do not have at this time? Do scholars realize that supposedly different groups with potential ties to each other claimed apostolic succession? Could Protestants have a valid list of successors? Is there any evidence that any in the Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodox Church, the Anglican Church, and the Parliament of Britain accepted succession from the Waldensians and/or Moravians? Were any of them Sabbath-keepers? When did the mantle leadership seem to have passed into the Americas from the British Isles? What are names of Sabbatarian leaders from the wilderness period to present? Where has there been Philadelphian-era succession? In this sermon, Dr. Thiel reveals what may have been the most comprehensive apostolic succession list of leaders/pastors/bishops who held to the original apostolic faith from Pentecost in Acts 2 to present? He also mentions whether or not there could be other valid lists.
A free online book documenting much of this is available titled: Beliefs of the Original Catholic Church
Sermon Series related to the book above: