What were early church services like? Were they mainly focused on entertainment or scriptural messages? Were they like musical concerts or time to learn from the word of God? Did early Protestants condemn the bishops of Rome for changing the day of the Sabbath to Sunday? Did early Protestants end up proving to Roman Catholics that they did not believe in ‘sola Scriptura’ because of the Sabbath? What about the plan of God? Did early Christians teach the Platonic view that their goal was to attain to a ‘beatific vision’? Is the purpose of humanity mainly to give glory to God? Does the Protestant message miss why God made anything and why God made humans? What did Justin Martyr teach about going to heaven upon death? Is heaven the reward of the saved? Did Mithraism believe that? What did early Christians teach according N.T. Wright and Christopher Morse? What about the influence of Emperor Constantine? What is the state of the dead? Is soul sleep only an Old Testament concept that Christians should not accept? What were the three doctrines that A.N. Dugger said were unique to the Church of God that he felt no Protestant group actually held to? Dr. Thiel addresses these issues and more in this sermon related to how the Continuing Church of God differs from Protestantism.
A free online book of related interest is available titled "Hope of Salvation: How the Continuing Church of God differs from Protestantism" URL: https://www.cogwriter.com/protestant-...