This sermon is part of a series covering beliefs of the original catholic church. Did early Christians believe that Jesus was in the grave for three days and three nights? What do Greco-Roman-Protestants now believe about that? Was Jesus' last Passover on a Tuesday night? While the Christian church has always opposed abortion as murder, were there Greco-Roman leaders, including popes Calllistus I, Innocent III, Gregory XIII, Gregory XIV, who had different views? Were early Christians antisemitic? Did Constantine, John Chrysostom, and Martin Luther despise Jews? Did early Christians sing Psalms? What types of songs are in 'The Bible Hymnal' of the Continuing Church of God? Should true Christians be associated with the interfaith or ecumenical movements? Have Greek Orthodox bishops warned Pope Francis about ecumenical ties with the Freemasons? Did early Christians believe that they could be soldiers or even watch violent sports? Does the 'just war' concept of Augustine have ties to pagan philosophers like Plato? Have people associated with the Church of God (like some Cathars, Bogomils, Paterines, and Waldenses) taught against Christians being involved in carnal warfare? Did early Christians eat unclean animals? Why does Rome say it changed 150 years after Jesus was resurrected? Is there any tie between holiness and avoiding unclean meats? Dr. Thiel addresses these issues and more.
A free online book of related interest is available titled 'Beliefs of the Original Catholic Church' URL: https://www.cogwriter.com/Original-Ca...
Sermon Series related to the book above: