This sermon is the last in a series covering the entire Book of Ecclesiastes. In it, Dr. Thiel begins with chapter 9 and goes over all the verses until the end of the 12th and last chapter. Topics covered include living joyfully, money answering all, giving, youth, human work, the work of God, laziness, the day of small things, aspects of marriage, worry, seeking first the kingdom, responding to God, accepting Jesus, 'the whole duty of man' (KJV), God's commandments, Solomon, the patience of the saints during the time of the Beast and Antichrist, and the reason that God made humans.
A written article of related interest is available titled "Ecclesiastes: Scriptures and Commentary" URL: https://www.cogwriter.com/ecclesiaste...

Part one: Ecclesiastes 1-3: Vanity or Biblical Focus?
Part two: Ecclesiastes 4-6: Christian Living Makes a Difference
Part three: Ecclesiastes 7-8: Reputation, Anger Management and Walking God's Way