What is the 'mystery of Christ'? Is the trinity the only way to understand Isaiah 9? Was Jesus both fully human and fully God after His begettal in Mary and His resurrection? Did the Apostle Paul write that Jesus emptied Himself to become human? Was Jesus tempted? Did Jesus die? Can God be tempted or die? Is Jesus co-equal to the Father? Is denying that Jesus came in the flesh as doctrine of Antichrist per 2 John 7? Was the 'mystery of Christ' known by c. 61 A.D.? Was the trinity known by 1st century Christians? Was the long version of 1 John 5:7-8 originally in the Bible? Were there many semi-arian councils in the fourth century? Did the Bishop of Rome, now known as Pope Liberius, endorse at least one? Did Sir Isaac Newton point to Athanasius as the originator of the trinity? What about Gregory the Wonder Worker, Theophilus of Antioch, Origin of Alexandria, or Tertullian of Carthage? Did an emperor of Rome remove Demophilus, the Archbishop/Patriarch of Constantinople, in 380 because he refused to teach Theodosius' trinity. Did Theodosius later persecute and murder those who would not accept his trinitarian view? Were early Christians, that are considered saints by the Greco-Roman Catholics, Protestants, and Church of God Christians binitarian? Do those churches condemn the earliest known trinitarians (Valentinus, Montanus, Terturllian) as apostates? Did the 'School of Antioch, which taught a literal interpretation of scriptures, under Lucian teach a binitarian/semi-arian view of the Godhead? Did the allegorical 'School of Alexandria' teach a somewhat trinitarian view of the Godhead? Are Christians to be part of the family of God? What are 24 facts that blast trinitarian mythology?
A free e-book of related interest is available titled 'Mysteries of God: What is God?' url: MysteriesofGod.pdf
Sermon series:
Part 1: Mysteries: Is God Omnipotent, Omnipresent, and Omniscient?
Part 2: Where Did God Come From? What Does God Look Like?
Part 3: How is God One? Creeds?
Part 4: Jesus and Trinitarian Mythology