Ruins in Ancient Sardis
Melito of Sardis was a second century Christian leader and writer. What does his name mean? Melito is considered to have been a saint by the Greco-Roman Catholic churches as well as by the Continuing Church of God. Many also consider him to have been a prophet. What did Melito teach about Jesus, Passover, idols, tradition, the Books of the Old Testament, Godhead, the Holy Spirit, and the millennium? Was he a chiliast? Did Papias, Polycarp, Polycrates, and Apollinaris have similar beliefs of Meltio? Would Melito have been a seven-day Sabbath keeper? Has Eusebius been accused of under-reporting his writings? This sermon includes reading a translation the Greek H. Paulsen Papyrus Oxyrhynchus 1.5. Und Die, commonly referred to as Melito's ‘On the Prophets.’ Were Melito's views more consistent with the Greco-Roman churches or the Church of God? Should faithful Christians follow changes endorsed by the 4th century Roman Emperor Theodosius? Did the old Worldwide Church of God consider him to be a true Christian? Whose 'apostolic succession' list is Melito in?
A written article of related interest is available titled "Melito of Sardis "