Are you willing to accept the truth about the Bible and church history? What is the Church? Does the Continuing Church of God meet the Vatican's written requirements for being a church? What is the most common name of the church in the New Testament? Are Christians supposed to contend for the original faith or one that (according to Benedict XVI) which resulted in "an irreversible turn" by people like Origen of Alexandria? Do you have sufficient "love of the truth" (2 Thessalonians 2:10) to "prove all things and hold fast that which is good" (1 Thessalonians 5:21)? Where were believers first called Christians? Does the Bible call the church holy? Did second century writers often use the expression Church of God? When do we first see the use of the expression "catholic church"? Was the original "catholic church" used in relationship to Rome or Smyrna of Asia Minor? What do we learn from the writings of Ignatius of Antioch and the 'Martyrdom of Polycarp' (written by the Smyrnaeans)? When Pionius of Smyrna used the referred to the Catholic Church could that have been a reference to Rome or the 'Eastern Orthodox' church in Alexandria? In the early third century were Asia Minor and Antioch in fellowship/communion with the major churches in Rome and Alexandria? Did the Nazarenes that Jerome and Epiphanius wrote of accept the Councils of Nicea and Constantinople which were convened by Roman emperors (including the unbaptized Emperor Constantine)? Did anyone ever write of the "Catholic Church of God"? Did Church of God Christians use the term "catholic church" throughout history, even after Emperor Theodosius restricted it and called them insane and madmen? Is the Continuing Church of God like the Protestants or does the Continuing Church of God really have ties to the original apostles? Dr. Thiel addresses these subjects and more.
A free online book of related interest is available titled "Beliefs of the Original Catholic Church" URL: https://www.cogwriter.com/Original-Ca...
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