Jesus' message included REAL REPENTANCE. But Christ really meant it. He meant to really repent--not just experience an emotional upset or disturbance. There is a "sorrow of this world" which is merely human and physical--it is EMOTIONAL--but it leads to death. Do YOU know the difference between sheer human emotion, which would even lead some to sob and SHED TEARS as they "go down the aisle," and GODLY SORROW which leads to real repentance? Is obedience and real repentance REQUIRED for salvation? Do YOU HAVE TO CHANGE DIRECTION? Without national repentance are the Anglo-American nations doomed? Does God have to call one for real repentance? Does Jesus expect people to give up all to be His disciple? What about Laodicean Christians? What about righteousness and the Ten Commandments? Do converted Christians still need repentance? Dr. Thiel addresses these questions and more.
A written article of related interest is available titled: Christian Repentance