Do words matter? What is the third commandment? Does the command cover more than cursing with God's name? Are cursing and blaspheming the same thing? Are we to try to control our words and our thoughts? Are there inappropriate or blasphemous religious titles? Is calling yourself a Christian without being a real one a form of blasphemy? Can real Christians blaspheme God's name by not living as a proper Christian? What about 'sacred names'? What about the use of euphemisms? Can you be speaking against God when you speak against His ministers? What about talebearing or gossip? What about swearing or taking oaths? How about affirmations? Did Satan use God's name in vain? Was cursing a sin before the Ten Commandments were written in stone on Mount Sinai? What about after Jesus was resurrected? What did James, Peter, and Paul teach in the New Testament portion of the Bible related to words and blasphemy? What about Old Testament writings and the command in Exodus 20? Did people blaspheme God when they spoke against Moses, Aaron, and Samuel? Can you blaspheme God through hypocrisy? Are Christians to use words to hurt or words to help? What about bullying? Will the Beast of the Sea and the final Antichrist use blasphemous words? Will you be judged for your words? Dr. Thiel addresses these and more in this sermon?
A written article of related interest is available titled "Third Commandment: Words Matter" URL: https://cogwriter.com/third-commandme...