First Baptist Pastor Alan Rudnik has posted seven reasons he feel that a Christian should celebrate Halloween, which he ties to 'All Saints' Day' as well as the Druids. In this sermon, Dr. Thiel challenges each of those seven reasons and gives biblical and historical rationale for Christians NOT celebrating Halloween, All Saints' Day, All Souls' Day, and the Day of the Dead.
What is the Fate of Christians in Europe and Elsewhere?
Last Great Day shows God's loving plan
The eighth day after the start of the Feast of Tabernacles is normally called the 'Last Great Day' in the Continuing Church of God. Does God only plan to save a few or many? Did Jesus come to die for a few or many? Will most people who ever lived be saved? What does the Bible really teach about this? Dr. Thiel goes over scriptures that the bulk of those who profess Christianity often do not understand about God's loving plan of salvation.
Do Not Fear
The First Love
Onward Christian Soldiers
Steve Dupuie discusses the similarities between the US Army and the Church of God. The Army "calls" its members through the draft, God "calls" His members into the Church of God. The Army's "basic training" consists of teaching combat techniques, "basic training" for members of God's Church consists of prayer.