Ecumenism, Rome, and CCOG Differences

This is the final sermon of a series of messages on how the Continuing Church of God differs from Protestantism. The Lutheran World Federation, as well as many Protestants, are interested in ecumenical unity with the Church of Rome. The Roman Catholics consider themselves to be the 'Mother Church' as can also be shown in an inscription on St. John's Lateran Cathedral. Did early Protestant Reformers such as Martin Luther and John Calvin consider that the pope was the Antichrist? Does the Bible endorse ecumenical unity as the 'latter rain' during this age? …

Fleeing or Rapture?

Are any Christians going to be protected from the Beast during 42 months of the Great Tribulation and Day of the Lord? Did Jesus tell Christians that they would need to flee or that they would be part of a secret rapture? Does Jesus come before the Great Tribulation or after the Day of the Lord? Which trumpet does the Bible say that Jesus returns with? Is the Church mentioned in Revelation 4-18? Are Christians subject to persecution from the Beast and Antichrist? …

The Godhead and the Trinity

The Bible teaches God is one. How? Unitarians claim one means only one Divine Being, normally known to Christians as the Father. Trinitarians claim that the Godhead consists of three co-equal parts, being the Father, the Son (Jesus) and the Holy Spirit. Binitarians (sometimes called Semi-Arians) teach that the Father (Ancient of Days) and the Son (Jesus) are God, that the Holy Spirit is the power of God (like an effluence or finger), and that after the resurrection Christians will be born again into the very family of God. What does the New Testament teach? …

Crosses, Trees, Tithes, and Unclean Meats

Did early Christians have crosses or similar icons? Is the word cross actually in the inspired original text of the New Testament? What about the word crucify or crucifixion? Did early Christians teach that Jesus was impaled on a tree? What did Peter, Polycarp, and Melito write? What about the influence of the pagan sun god worshiping Emperor Constantine and his mother Helena. What did Eastern Orthodox Bishop Timothy Kallistos Ware say was the “triumph of orthodoxy” in 843 related to the “Seventh Ecumenical Council”? …

Millennial Kingdom of God and God’s Plan of Salvation

Are differences between Protestants and the Continuing Church of God more than the day of the week we worship on? Are there major differences on teachings about salvation? Does the God of love have a plan of salvation that makes sense? Is there a millennial Kingdom of God? Is this part of God’s plan of salvation for those who are called and properly respond to that calling in this age? What will resurrected Christians be doing during the millennium and the ‘Last Great Day’? …

17 Last Days' Signs of the Holy Spirit

Are there 'last days' signs or manifestations of the Holy Spirit prophesied? If so, should we be seeing and accepting them today? The Apostle Peter preached a sermon on the Day of Pentecost in c. 31 A.D. where he quoted the prophet Joel. Is that relevant today? Will you believe the word of God? Does any Church of God (COG) have 17 or so confirmed last days' manifestations/signs of Holy Spirit shown in Acts 2:17-18? Should any? …

Seventh Day Baptists/Adventists/Messianics: Protestants or COG?

Although Seventh Day Baptists (SDBs), Seventh-day Adventist (SDAs), and Messianic Jews keep some version of the seventh day Sabbath, are they Protestant or Church of God. What do they claim? What do they teach? What do SDAs and Messianic Jews teach about their history? Do SDBs cite groups who held Church of God (COG) and not SDB doctrines? Which group teaches the original biblical Christian faith? How do the SDAs, Messianics, and SDBs agree with Protestants on issues such as …

Church Services, Sunday, Heaven, and God's Plan

What were early church services like? Were they mainly focused on entertainment or scriptural messages? Were they like musical concerts or time to learn from the word of God? Did early Protestants condemn the bishops of Rome for changing the day of the Sabbath to Sunday? Did early Protestants end up proving to Roman Catholics that they did not believe in ‘sola Scriptura’ because of the Sabbath? What about the plan of God? Did early Christians …

Scripture vs. Tradition, Sabbath vs. Sunday

Protestants claim to base their doctrines on the Bible. ‘Sola Scriptura’ (Latin for ‘Bible Alone’) was the official rallying cry of the Martin Luther’s Reformation movement. Yet, Roman Catholics and others have noted that Protestants have many practices, such as Sunday, oaths, and baptismal matters, that were adopted out of tradition. Even Harvard Protestant scholar Harold Brown wrote that Lutherans learned “the usefulness of tradition” when …