Should Atheists Accept Jesus?

Is there enough historical, scientific, and prophetic proof that even atheists should accept Jesus as Savior and Messiah? What about the use of mathematics? Did Jesus fulfill over 200 Hebrew prophecies written in the Old Testament? Did Jesus make predictions that were fulfilled outside of the New Testament? Do Jewish and other non-Christian historical sources affirm events in the New …

Final Phase of the Work: Need and Background

What is the work? Should it be led by 'one man at a time'? What did the late Pastor General of the old Worldwide Church of God, Herbert W. Armstrong teach? Could he have been 'Zerubbabel'? Why or why not? Should having materials in multiple languages be part of the final phase of the work? Should Philadelphian Christians just rely on the two witnesses of Revelation 11 and the three angels of Revelation 14 to do it? Is Matthew 24:14 complete? If not, when will it be? …

The Plain Truth About Christmas

What is the 'Plain Truth About Christmas'? Dr. Thiel goes through a booklet with that title as well as some writings from the old Plain Truth magazine. He answers questions such as Was Jesus born December 25th?, Did the Apostles and early Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus?, Did many of the Greco-Romans switch from a celebration on January 6th to December 25th? When and why was December 25th adopted? …

Be A Philadephian Witness

Jesus gave what is commonly called the "Sermon on the Mount." Is knowing that needful for Philadelphian Christians? Is being a Philadelphian witness more than just having knowledge of doctrine? Are Philadelphian Christians ambassadors for the Kingdom of God? How about supporting the work of God in tithes and offerings? What about support of proclaiming the gospel of the Kingdom of God? Are Christians to be diligent in studying the word of God and being ready to give an answer for those who want one? …

Be a Real Philadephian Christian

Jesus gave a message to Philadelphian Christians in Revelation 3:7-13. What does the "open door" have to do with? Does Philadelphia mean 'brotherly love'? How can that love be demonstrated? When did the Philadelphia era of the true Church of God begin? What did Herbert W. Armstrong teach about the purpose of the Philadelphian era? What about proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom of God? Are Christians supposed to be pilgrims, sojourners, and ambassadors for the Kingdom of God? …

Scripture and Traditions

Should Christian doctrine come from the Bible? What about tradition, such as is found in the 'Living Magesterium'? Are 'sacred scripture' and 'sacred tradition' equal as sources for doctrine? What did the Apostles Peter, John, Paul, and Jude teach? What did Jesus teach about scripture and tradition? What did early Christians teach? Did any act like modern Pharisees related to tradition? Did Irenaeus teach against 'sola Scriptura'? What did …

Christians: Strangers, Pilgrims, and Ambassadors

Are Christians supposed to be strangers, pilgrims, and ambassadors? Are God's Holy Days one way they are different from most of the world? What are tabernacles? Did Jesus pray that Christians would be taken out of the world? Are Christians to be in the world, but not of it? Did people like Noah and Abraham forsake wealth to sojourn as God wished them to? Are Christians to follow that example? Do Christians have a permanent city during this age? What festival was considered to be the pilgrim feast? What is an ambassador? …