Faith and Increasing It

What is faith? Can faith be increased? What about what happened with John the Baptist and Job? What did Jesus teach? What is the biblical definition of faith? What about faith and works? Can you prove that God exists? Are you supposed to have blind faith? What did the Apostles Paul, James, and Peter teach? Why do people lack faith? Is faith a feeling?

Halloween Day of the Dead

What are the origins of Halloween? Is it a Christian holiday? Where does the Bible list biblical holy days? What do Druids, witches, Samhain ('the Lord of the Dead') have to do with October 31? When did 'All Saints Day' get moved to November 1? What are reasons that Roman Catholics and Protestants have given to observe Halloween and trick-or-treating? Why have some Roman Catholics condemned Halloween? Is there supposed to be a connection between 'All Souls' Day' (November 2) and 'purgatory'? How …

Church in the Wilderness Apostolic Succession List?

Revelation 12:6 talks about a woman (symbolically the church) being in the wilderness for 1250 prophetic days, which since no later than 1649 has considered by some to be 1260 years, When was that period? 325-1585, 331-1591, or c. 380 - c. 1640? Who were many of the leaders during the 'wilderness' period? Was the true Christian church supposed to be large or a 'little flock' that Hades (the grave) would not prevail against? Which apostles are in the Continuing Church of God Apostolic Succession List? What are the names of early Church of God leaders who seemingly held the succession mantle in Asia Minor and Antioch? …

Apostolic Laying on of Hands Succession

What is apostolic succession? Is it in line with the teachings of Jesus? Is spiritual succession more important than claims of physical succession? Does any church have both? Is it possible that one city was to be the continual headquarters for Christians for nearly 2,000 years? What about the See of Ephesus or the See of Smyrna? What about the seven churches of Revelation 1-3? What time periods are covered by the Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamos, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laodicean eras of the Church of God? As there were over a dozen apostles in the New Testament, could there be more than one accurate succession list? …

Puerto Rico, Trials, and Triumphs

On September 26, 2021, Bob, Joyce, and David Thiel flew to Puerto Rico to meet with Spanish-speaking supporters of the Continuing Church of God who were gathered together for the Feast of Tabernacles. The Thiels encountered numerous tests and trials there as well as on their return to San Luis Obispo, California. In this sermon, Dr. Thiel mentions specific trials he and his family encountered on that trip including losses of electrical power, automotive failures, airline problems, and more. He also quotes scriptures from the Apostles, Peter, Paul, and James that Christians should expect trials and have the faith to not rebel like the ancient children of Israel did. Vaccine-complaints are discussed …

Cause & Effect and the 10 Commandments

Is everything random? Is there really a Creator God? Was the Sabbath an accident? Is it scientific to believe so? Can you prove that Jesus is the Messiah? Are there only two ways of life? Aren't there many views of how to live? Or is it God's way vs. all the others? What about mixing of truth and error? Is God's word truth? Do the two trees in the Garden of Eden symbolically also represent two ways of life? Do the demons ever pray? What are the Ten Commandments? Did early Christians keep them? …

CCOG: It’s All About Love

The Continuing Church of God asserts that it best represents the remnant of the Philadelphian portion of the Church of God living in the Laodicean era. Is the Church of God just about a bunch of rules or is its message love? What does Philadelphia mean? Why should brotherly love continue? Is God love? What does love have to do with God's kingdom? What about loving God and neighbor? Does God's plan for humans that accept His way show that each individual will be able to give love in a unique manner to …