The Days of Unleavened Bread are mentioned in the Old Testament. Did Jesus keep them? Did Jesus teach lessons about leaven? Was Jesus resurrected during the Days of Unleavened Bread? Was Jesus the 'wave sheaf offering' of Leviticus 23? Does the New Testament enjoin keeping the Days of Unleavened Bread? Should Christians only keep the Passover and not the Days of Unleavened Bread? Why seven ...
Days of Unleavened Bread Offertory
What is the most pleasing offering to God? At what age should someone be responsible for giving an offering to God? Having a giving attitude builds character development. This video from the Continuing Church of God goes over some of these things and more for the offertory during the Days of Unleavened Bread.
Night To Be Observed
What is it? When is it? The KJV refers to it as "THE NIGHT TO BE MUCH OBSERVED." This scripture-packed animation includes background and specific information related to the children of Israel. It also gives some of the Old and New Testament prophetic ramifications of this event. How the NTBO is typically observed is also covered. The animation also includes a chart of scriptures and …
Amazing Facts About Easter
Did you know that Easter is supposed to be Passover according to the 'Catechism of the Catholic Church'? Was this originally observed by Christians on a day other than Sunday? Was Passover originally a resurrection holiday or a commemoration of Christ's death? In this sermon, Dr. Thiel goes over many amazing historical and biblical facts about Easter and Passover. He cites Jesus' words about ...
Why Holy Day Offerings?
Really Examine Yourself Before Passover
In 1 Corinthians 11, the Apostle Paul admonishes Christians to examine themselves before they take the bread and wine of Passover. The Book of Lamentations says to examine ourselves and not complain. Do Christians sin? What should be done about it? Should Christians remove physical leaven? Is looking for spiritual leaven a weightier matter? What is leaven anyway? Are you a complainer or worrier? Are…
Romans 11-12: Gentiles, Jews, and the Fulness
This is the fifth sermon in a six part series covering the Apostle Paul's epistle to the Romans. In this sermon, Dr. Thiel covers chapters 11 and 12 of that letter. He also has various comments about it from the late Herbert W. Armstrong. The full number of the Gentiles is discussed as well as the fulness of Israel coming in. Dr. Thiel goes over parts related to governance, individuality, …
... and then the end will come - Matthew 24:14
In the book of Matthew, chapter 24, Jesus answers some questions from his disciples asking the timing of certain events and His return. In verse 14 Jesus says "And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come." What "end" was Jesus talking about? Is there more than one "end"? Who is it that preaches the gospel till the "end"? Are there …
Romans 9-10: Grace, Mercy, Salvation
This is the fourth part of a six part sermon series covering the Book of Romans. In this sermon, Dr. Thiel covers each verse in the 9th and 10th chapters of the Book of Romans. He also includes comments from the late Herbert W. Armstrong. He answers questions such as , 'Why the Flood?, Why the Ten Plagues on Egypt?, and What …