This is the third message in a multi-part series on the Apostle Paul's epistle to the Romans. In this sermon, Dr. Thiel covers each and every verse of the 7th and 8th chapters of the Book of Romans. He also brings in comments from the late Pastor General of the old Radio/Worldwide Church of God, Herbert W. Armstrong. Aspects of God's Spirit, His calling, how human brains differ from animal brains, …
Romans 3-6: Sin, Law, Grace, Salvation
This is the second part of a multi-part series of sermons, by Dr. Thiel, intended to cover each and every verse of the Book of Romans. This sermon covers chapters 3-6 of the Apostle Paul's epistle. The sermon discusses law, grace, love, prayer, faith, God's law, and salvation. Sins, including covetousness and smoking are discussed. Comments about God's plan of salvation that are often not understood …
Romans 1-2: Believe the Truth of God
In this sermon, Dr. Thiel goes over each verse of the first two chapters of the Apostle Paul's Epistle to the Romans. He also quotes some comments that the late Pastor General of the old Worldwide Church of God gave in a Bible study on these chapters in 1980. Dr. Thiel ties in passages related to intellectuals and suppressing the truth with censorship and the promotion of falsehoods in the 21st century. …
Preparing for the Spring Holy Days
Honor Your Parents and Rule Honorably
The fifth of the Ten Commandments (fourth commandment according to the Roman Catholics and Lutherans) says to honor your mother and father. Is there a promise associated with that commandment? Did Adam and Eve dishonor God, who was their Father? Are parents supposed to teach their children and act honorably? How does one rule one's household well? What about love? What about correction and discipline? What about dishonorable parents? Are government officials to be …
Melito of Sardis and His Teachings
Melito of Sardis was a second century Christian leader and writer. What does his name mean? Melito is considered to have been a saint by the Greco-Roman Catholic churches as well as by the Continuing Church of God. Many also consider him to have been a prophet. What did Melito teach about Jesus, Passover, idols, tradition, the Books of the Old Testament, Godhead, the Holy Spirit, and the millennium? Was he a chiliast? Did Papias, Polycarp, Polycrates, and Apollinaris …
God’s Temple in Prophecy
A common view held by many who are interested in prophecy is that a massive Jewish temple needs to be rebuilt in Jerusalem prior to Jesus returning. Protestant writers like the late Dr. Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins (of the Left Behind series fame) have asserted that those who read the prophecies literally believe that Jesus, the prophet Daniel, and apostles like John and Paul "all taught that Israel's third temple will be rebuilt" around the time …
How Does the CCOG Spend Tithes & Offering?
The New Testament endorses giving tithes and offerings. What type of things does the Continuing Church of God spend the received tithes and offerings on? How did the CCOG spend the funds it received in 2021? Are ministers entitled to take a salary? Is it wrong for ministers to not take a salary? How many millions of personal computers, tablets, and ‘smart’ cellular telephones did the CCOG messages make impressions on in 2021?
Love Your Brother and Neighbor
This sermon is an expansion of one once given by the late deacon Richard Close. In it, Dr. Thiel goes over scriptures about love, who is our neighbor, and who are our spiritual brothers and sisters. Additionally. it discusses aspects of love and the Ten Commandments. The commandment focus is on the 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th ones. The role of Satan involved in sin, lust, deception, and murder are also discussed.
Richard Close message: Jesus the Adopted Son of God
Elder Aleksandar 'Sasha' Veljic gives a split sermon message, based upon notes from a message from the recently deceased CCOG deacon Richard Close. He mentioned that Jesus was the captain of our salvation. He mentioned that adoption for the Israelites originally was mainly to be adopted by family members, but that the Apostle Paul used the word adoption related to Jesus in a way that Roman culture would …