What was 'Nailed to the Cross'? What about the 613 Mitzvot?

Some claim that the law of God, including the Ten Commandments were "nailed to the cross" or nailed to the stauros/stake as the Greek teaches. What was the certificate of debt or handwriting of requirements that was done away with for those who truly repent and accept Jesus? What about the Sabbath and the Holy Days? What did early Christians do? What are the 613 Mitzvot? Do these correspond with the number of seeds in a pomegranates? Were there multiple parts to the 'Law of Moses'? …

Refuting British-Israelism Critics

Many claim that they have "refuted" or somehow disproved what is often called "British-Israelism" or "Anglo-Israelism." Do you believe the word of God over humans? Are secular, Protestant, and other critics right to dismiss the idea that God made promises to the twelve tribes of Israel that have been fulfilled in the past few centuries? Were the last days/end of days prophecies fulfilled over 2000 years ago? If not, were does history point to for their fulfillment? Is there a tie between the belief in British-Israelism and the Kingdom of God? Is there really a difference between the Jews and the so-called "ten lost tribes of Israel"? …

Did Early Christians Believe in Purgatory or ?

What is Purgatory? Was it a belief of the original catholic church? Does the Church of Rome teach about a place of punishment that comes after death to believers who have not truly repented of “venial sins” or who have not paid the “temporal punishment” for sins called Purgatory? The Continuing Church of God, Eastern Orthodox Church, and most Protestants do not teach the purgatorial doctrine. Is the idea of the “great news of Purgatory,” the “gospel of Purgatory” true? Does the Bible teach the idea of a place called purgatory or does it teach about a restoration (Greek: apokatastasis)? What about 1 Peter 3:19, 1 Peter 4:6, and 1 Corinthians 3:15? What did early Christians believe? …

28 Tips on Prayer

People talk a lot about prayer. Many pray in public. Does God listen? What does the Bible teach about prayer? Can what you do or do not wear be a factor? How can your prayers be more effective? Why doesn’t God seem to answer all prayers? How should you deal with the difficult? How should you deal with ‘the impossible’? Here is a listing of the 28 tips that Dr. Thiel goes over in this sermon: …

7th Commandment: Love and Faithfulness

The Seventh Commandment teaches that people are not to commit adultery. Why? What is adultery? What about fornication, masturbation, pornography, fantasy sex, sexting, and same-sex relations? Are there societal costs for violating the 7th Commandment? What about crime and disease? What did Jesus say about marriage, adultery, and divorce? Is there such a thing as spiritual adultery? Were Sodom and Gomorrah destroyed for their abominations and going after 'strange flesh'? Was Sodom also destroyed for pride? Do those destroyed in Sodom and Gomorrah have any possible hope? …

7ULB: Wandering through the Wilderness

Where does the Bible command a holy convocation for the seventh and last day of Unleavened Bread? Historically, what happened then? Any ties to the crossing the sea on dry land? What are some of the trials and tests the children of Israel faced wandering through the wilderness? Did the Apostle Paul state that Christians were to learn from the examples and not follow them? Should Christians expect tests and trials after baptism? Will God give the ability for Christians to endure whatever temptations come? …

Exodus Plagues and Prophecies

What were the 10 plagues that affected the Egyptians in the Book of Exodus? Is there any historical evidence, such as from the 'Ipuwer Papyrus' that any of them happened? Were the children of Israel impacted by any of the plagues? Were any of the Egyptian gods tied in with certain plagues? Are there direct and/or symbolic plagues prophesied in the Bible? What about prophecies in the Book of Revelation? …

Leaven, Sin, and Purpose

The Old Testament gives instructions related to the Days of Unleavened Bread--but without a lot of details as to the meaning. Do these days have any meaning or purpose for Christians? Does the Bible teach that there is a cause for each effect? What is leaven anyway? Does leaven symbolically picture sin? What is sin? Do Christians sin? Why is sin so bad? …