2 Corinthians 1-2: Church of God Suffering and Open Door

Corinth is a city in Greece. In biblical times, it was a wealthy cosmopolitan city known for immorality. This sermon is the first in a series intended to cover each and every verse of the Apostle Paul's second epistle to the Corinthians. In this sermon, Dr. Thiel covers chapters 1 and 2 and also includes some comments from the late Herbert W. Armstrong. Topics covered include the name 'Church of God,' mercy, forgiveness, obedience, salvation through Jesus, why there is suffering, Satan's devices, love, …

Seven Churches of Revelation

Seven churches are discussed in the first three chapters of the Book of Revelation, also known as the Apocalypse. They are Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamos, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laodicea of Asia Minor (located in the country of Turkey at this time). Are the messages to them at all prophetic? Could those seven churches represent the entire church age? Could these give clues about the history of the true church as well as apostolic succession? Were there groups throughout the church age that have kept the seventh-day Sabbath, Passover on the 14th, and held to Church of God doctrines on the Godhead and crosses? …

Christian Conversion

What does it take to be a Christian? What is Christian conversion? Did Jesus say that calling Him 'Lord' was enough? Or did He specify problems from many who claimed to do things in His name? How does the New Testament define a Christian? If you are saved by grace, and not works, is obedience required for salvation? Are Christians to strive for perfection? What did Jesus teach in the 'Sermon on the Mount'? Is the Christian life subject to difficulties? Are Christians to build character? …

Creation and the Good News of the Kingdom of God

On May 13, 1978, the late Pastor General of the old Worldwide Church of God, Herbert W. Armstrong, gave a sermon titled 'Creation and the Gospel.' On June 17, 2023, Dr. Thiel gave an sermon based on that, updated with additional scriptures as well as certain matters more relevant for the Continuing Church of God. Topics discussed include the creation of the angels, an intended role of the angels, how the earth could be compared to unfinished furniture, and that the angels sinned. …

Valentinus The Trinitarian

Valentinus was from Egypt and went to Rome in the 2nd century. He was tolerated by the Church of Rome for over a decade before he was denounced by Polycarp of Smyrna. He is considered the father of Gnosticism and was denounced as a heretic by people such as Irenaeus of Lyon, Tertullian of Carthage, and Hippolytus of Rome. Valentinus had hoped to become the 'Bishop of Rome.' What did he teach? Did he get many of his ideas from Greek philosophers like Plato as well as Egyptian paganism? Could he have been the first who claimed Christianity to push the Trinity …

Second Coming or Rapture by 2026?

Various Protestants have pointed to the return of Jesus as coming in either 2023, 2024, 2025, and/or 2026. Is this possible? Will Jesus' second coming occur before the start of the tribulation as a "pre-tribulation rapture" or after the tribulation? What did Jesus, Himself say about the timing of when He would return? Can you rely on the teachings of people such as David Jeremiah, Hal Lindsey, the late Dr. Tim LayHaye, or Jerry Jenkins? Does the Bible, in the 13th chapter of the Book of Ezekiel, have warnings about those that prophesy falsehoods and claim that they are God's teachings? …

Philadelphian Gospel Proclamation Priority

What work should the most faithful Christians be supporting in the 21st century? What was the "open door" that Jesus opened for the Philadelphians for? Did Herbert W. Armstrong say that door was for the Philadelphians to fulfill Matthew 24:14 to proclaim the gospel of the kingdom to the world as a witness? What did Luke and the Apostle Paul write about the open door? Is having literature in hundreds of languages helpful to assist in the fulfillment of Matthew 24:14, Matthew 28:19-20, Romans 11:25, and Revelation 7:9? …

Living As A Christian

How is a Christian, a real Christian, supposed to live? What is a real Christian? Who is granted the Spirit of Christ? Are Christians saved by works? Are Christians rewarded according to their works? Is obedience to God a salvation issue? How do Christians imitate Jesus and the Apostle Paul? What about the Ten Commandments and the biblical Holy Days? What about tithes, astrology, tattoos, and hair length? What about love? …