Could Comet ISON be Wormwood of Bible Prophecy?

Comet ISON (ESA/Hubble Telescope Photo)

Comet ISON (ESA/Hubble Telescope Photo)

Could Comet ISON be Wormwood of Bible Prophecy?
Dr. Bob Thiel

Some predicted doom from Comet ISON. Others said that it was a biblical sign that Jesus would return or destruction would hit. Is it possible that Comet ISON was a sign that Jesus would be returning on December 25, 2013 or perhaps in 2014 or 2015? Could instead it be Planet X, also called Planet Nibiru, bringing massive devastation and the loss of all human life in January 2014? You can know the answers for certain. Dr. Thiel provides the answers from not only scientists and others, but from the Bible itself.

A written article of related interest is titled: Comets, Wormwood, and Planet Nibiru
