Balfour Declaration Letter
November 2 2022, marks the 105th anniversary of something called the Balfour Declaration.
Here is some information about it:
The British peer Arthur Balfour barely makes an appearance in UK schoolbooks, but many Israeli and Palestinian students could tell you about him.
His Balfour Declaration, made on 2 November 1917, is taught in their respective history classes and forms a key chapter in their two very different, national narratives.
It can be seen as a starting point for the Arab-Israeli conflict.
The declaration by the then foreign secretary was included in a letter to Lord Walter Rothschild, a leading proponent of Zionism, a movement advocating self-determination for the Jewish people in their historical homeland – from the Mediterranean to the eastern flank of the River Jordan, an area which came to be known as Palestine.
It stated that the British government supported “the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people”.
At the same time, it said that nothing should “prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities”.
Palestinians see this as a great betrayal, particularly given a separate promise made to enlist the political and military support of the Arabs – then ruled by the Ottoman Turks – in World War One. …
“Do you think Britain committed a crime against the Palestinian people?” asks a teacher during a lesson in a Palestinian school in the West Bank city of Ramallah.
Everyone puts up a hand.
“Yes,” a 15-year-old girl answers. “This declaration was illegitimate because Palestine was still part of the Ottoman Empire and Britain did not control it.”
“Britain considered the Arabs as a minority while they formed over 90% of the population.”
‘Huge hope’
Israeli children, inevitably, tend to see British involvement more positively when they study the Balfour Declaration in a lesson towards the end of their high-school years.
In Balfouria, a village in northern Israel, nine-year-old Noga Yehezekeli is already proudly able to recite a Hebrew version of the text off by heart.
“In the moment it was given, the declaration gave huge hope and a huge push for the Zionist movement,” says her father, Neve.
November 2, 2017
Thousands of Palestinians took to the streets in protest across the West Bank Thursday marking a century since the Balfour Declaration, Britain’s promise to Zionists to create a Jewish home in what is now Israel.
In Ramallah, some 3,000 protesters marched from the city center to the British Consulate, with many waving black flags and banners with slogans such as “100 years of dispossession.” Smaller demonstrations took place in east Jerusalem and elsewhere in the West Bank.
Rawada Odeh, a demonstrator in Jerusalem, said she was protesting because Balfour promised a home to the Zionists while neglecting that there is a “Palestinian population here in our land.”
“The land does not belong to Balfour,” she said. “We are Palestinians, and we are living here and we are following our issue till we succeed.” 2 November 2017
The situation remains tense in Israel as the Palestinians tend to consider the Balfour Declaration illegitimate, whereas the Jews have seen it as a sign of support. It is part of the current confusion in the region as the Brits made seemingly contradictory promises to the Jews and the Arabs.
About five weeks after the Balfour Declaration, the Turks surrendered Jerusalem to the British.
The old Worldwide Church of God taught the following about that:
Prophecy Concerning Judah
There is one prophecy concerning the Jewish people, that they were to be invaded and conquered, driven out of their own land and would be punished for a period of 2,520 years. (See Leviticus 26:14-39 and, for a full explanation, write for our free book “The United States and Britain in Prophecy”.) Now, put that together with other prophecies such as Haggai 2:20-22. Exactly 2,520 years from the time that they were invaded and the land of Palestine was given over to King Nebuchadnezzar in 604 B.C. the very nation to whom that land was deeded by God Almighty took possession of it.
That nation was not the Jewish people, but birthright people who descended from Abraham. The birthright means right of birth, and includes the possession of the land, that is, it includes material resources and possessions. The possession of the land that God promised to Abraham was handed on to Isaac, Abraham’s son, and then to Jacob. And then Jacob, just before he died, and when his eyes were so dim with age that he couldn’t see, reached out and conferred that same birthright, including the possession of the land of Palestine, not upon Judah, the father of the Jews, but upon Ephraim, and together with him his brother Manasseh, both sons of Joseph.
Joseph was one of the 12 sons of the ancient patriarch Jacob, who was renamed Israel. Usually you don’t hear of any tribe of Joseph because Joseph was given a double portion. And his two sons, Ephraim and Manasseh, each became a tribe. And so, rather, you usually read of the tribe of Ephraim and the tribe of Manasseh. When the name Joseph is occasionally used, it includes the two tribes.
How Prophecy Was Fulfilled
Ephraim was made the chief birthright holder. And so, 2,520 years from 604 B.C. Ephraim was to take Palestine again counting 2,520 years from 604 B.C. brings us to A.D. 1917.
When it comes to translating time and getting down to an exact day of the year 2,520 years after Nebuchadnezzar came down to Jerusalem and Palestine was surrendered to him, the Bible gives us the date in terms of the Hebrew calendar. That calendar is set up according to the new moons, with every month being 30 or 29 days. Today we’re living under what we call the Roman calendar or, as it was slightly altered by Pope Gregory, the Gregorian calendar. Actually, it is a pagan Roman calendar. The Roman calendar is all that most of us know because we’ve been born in a world that uses that calendar and no other.
A certain date according to the Hebrew calendar, will coincide with a certain date on the Roman calendar one year, but the next year will be about 11 days earlier, or maybe about 18 days later in the year, because the Hebrew calendar — sometimes called the sacred calendar, which came from God — goes according to the moon and runs in 19-year cycles. The Roman calendar by contrast was concocted by men who tried to make it come out right every year, and they’ve never been able to make it do that!
So, when it comes to translating a certain prophesied date recorded in the Hebrew calendar (in this case the 24th day of the 9th month — see Haggai 2:20-22) to a date in 1917 according to the Roman calendar, it takes some effort to figure. I found the Hebrew date corresponded to December 9, 1917, which was 2,520 years from the time Nebuchadnezzar accepted the formal surrender of the Jews in 604 B.C.
I looked and found that the Turks, who are gentiles even though they, in part, descend from Esau, Jacob’s brother, possessed Palestine in 1917. Esau, remember, anciently possessed the birthright from Abraham through Isaac, but sold it for a bowl of red soup when he was hungry. The Turks surrendered Palestine to the British, on, what date? I had heard, and it had been published that the date was December 11, 1917. December 11, 1917, I found, on further investigation, was merely the date on which General Allenby and his army made their triumphal march into the city of Jerusalem. But it was two days before, on December 9, that the Turks made the surrender.
That prophecy was fulfilled down to the very day, December 9. And it was on the equivalent date, in 604 B.C., 2,520 years before, six centuries before the birth of Christ, that the Jews formally surrendered Jerusalem and Palestine to the gentiles from Babylon. God Almighty has been able to keep his prophecies. (Armstrong HW. The Bible SUPERSTITION OR AUTHORITY? 1985)
The Bible teaches “Ephraim is My firstborn” (Jeremiah 31:9). Ephraim is represented in this age by the British -descended peoples (see also Anglo – America in Prophecy). Many overlook that aspect of prophecy.
Now, let me state that I have verified that December 9, 1917 was indeed the date that the Gentile Turks surrendered to the British (e.g. see and accessed 07/28/17). I also verified that the 24th day of the ninth month (Kislev) was on December 9th in 1917 (e.g. accessed 07/28/17).
Herbert W. Armstrong mentioned Haggai, so let us look at that:
20 And again the word of the Lord came to Haggai on the twenty-fourth day of the month, saying, 21 “Speak to Zerubbabel, governor of Judah, saying:
‘I will shake heaven and earth.
22 I will overthrow the throne of kingdoms;
I will destroy the strength of the Gentile kingdoms.
I will overthrow the chariots
And those who ride in them;
The horses and their riders shall come down,
Every one by the sword of his brother. (Haggai 2:20-22)
Now, there looks to be a future fulfillment of this beyond the overthrowing of the Turkish empire and the surrender of Jerusalem to the British on December 9, 1917.
Let’s look at the next verse:
23 ‘In that day,’ says the Lord of hosts, ‘I will take you, Zerubbabel My servant, the son of Shealtiel,’ says the Lord, ‘and will make you like a signet ring; for I have chosen you,’ says the Lord of hosts.” (Haggai 2:23)
Because Haggai 2:20-23 did not occur in Zerubbabel’s lifetime, there must be a future fulfillment. Zerubbabel lived in the sixth century B.C.
A ‘Zerubbabel’ did not become a signet ring in 1917 nor was the strength of the Gentile kingdoms–plural–destroyed then (more on ‘Zerubbabel’ can be found in the article Who Are The Two Witnesses?).
Haggai 2:23 is to be finally fulfilled once Jesus returns.
So, while the surrender of Jerusalem was a type of fulfillment (the Gentile kingdom of the Ottomans fell–though it still had battles in 1918), a future fulfillment awaits (for more details, check out the article The Times of the Gentiles).
Currently, many Palestinians are depressed, distraught, and feel that they are without hope. They are angry for many reasons, including the Balfour Declaration. Because of improper Islamic teachings and statements from their leadership, many believe that engaging in brutal, violent behavior will not only free them from problems in this life, but give them an opportunity to fulfill various lusts in the next (e.g. see Suicide bombers kill scores in Turkey–their hope for reward is flawed)–yet that is a false hope.
However, for a time, the Palestinians will have some “success” as the Bible indicates that the Palestinians will get control over more land in the current nation of Israel before Jesus returns (cf. Jeremiah 25:17-29; 47:2-7; see also Gaza and the Palestinians in Bible Prophecy).
Yet, that is not the solution to the problems for the Palestinians or with Jerusalem. Looking to this world’s politics and methods will not solve the problems in the Middle East (even though the Bible shows that there will be a temporary peace deal there–cf. Daniel 9:27; see also The ‘Peace Deal’ of Daniel 9:27).
The real solution is the return of Jesus Christ and the establishment of the Kingdom of God.
Until then, we will see conflict, temporary peace (Daniel 9:27), and conflict (Daniel 11:31-43) in the area of Judea/Palestine.
Article with written related items and videos: 105th anniversary of the Balfour Declaration.
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