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The Bible teaches:
10 … Worship God! For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.” (Revelation 19:10)
People who discount prophecy are not understanding the Bible. Prophecy is also a key in understanding why Jesus is the Messiah (see also the free online book: Proof Jesus is the Messiah).
In Ghana, the police have been trying to ban ministers from discussing prophecies and predictions:
Police in Ghana have warned faith leaders against making traditional New Year prophecies which can cause fear, anxiety or death.
The right of freedom of worship must not violate the rights of others, the police said in a statement.
Millions of Christians often gather in churches to hear their pastors make proclamations about the new year. …
Ghanaian lawyer Sammy Darko said the police order was “illegal.”
“It is not even up for debate or interpretation by the highest court of Ghana. No law in Ghana grants the police administration any powers to regulate prophecies in the country,” he wrote.
“Religious freedom is more than the ‘freedom to worship’ at a synagogue, church, or mosque. It means people shouldn’t have to go against their core values and beliefs in order to conform to culture or government unless it violates a specific law,” he added.
Mr Darko told the BBC that the police lost a case earlier this year against a pastor who had been charged for allegedly making an alarmist prophesy about a celebrity musician being shot.
“This was significant,” he said. 12/27/22 https://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-64102094
In Ghana, the police said they had adopted 27 December as Prophecy Communication Compliance Day. They only want “smooth things” preached.
Sadly, many do not want to hear the prophetic messages of scripture, but that was expected:
8 Now go, write it before them on a tablet, And note it on a scroll, That it may be for time to come, Forever and ever:
9 That this is a rebellious people, Lying children, Children who will not hear the law of the Lord; 10 Who say to the seers, “Do not see,”
And to the prophets, “Do not prophesy to us right things; Speak to us smooth things, prophesy deceits. 11 Get out of the way, Turn aside from the path,Cause the Holy One of IsraelTo cease from before us.” (Isaiah 30:8-11)
6 “Don’t say such things,” the people respond. “Don’t prophesy like that. Such disasters will never come our way!” (Micah 2:6, New Living Translation)
Notice that these are end time prophecies.
We in the CCOG, despite having a significance presence in Ghana, believe that we are still to teach about prophecies and predictions.
The Continuing Church of God is pleased to announce this sermon from its ContinuingCOG channel:
23 things to prophetically watch in 2023
In Mark 13:37 and Luke 21:36, Jesus tells His followers to watch world events that will precede His coming. In this sermon, Dr. Thiel goes over 23 items to watch in 2023 and points out events that were related to many of them in 2023:
1. Scoffers in the Last Days
2. Morality Prophecies Being Fulfilled
3. Media, Internet, and Other Censorship
4. Weather Sorrows and Troubles
5. Earthquakes
6. The White Horse of the Apocalypse
7. Strife and the Red Horse of War
8. Trade
9. The Deal of Daniel 9:27
10. Knowledge Increasing
11. Debt
12. US Dollar Dominance will Decrease
13. CBDCs and 666
14. Gold
15. Unrest, Terror, and the Dividing of the USA
16. Europe Will Work to Reorganize
17. Europe Will Have a Great Army
18. Steps Towards the Formation of the King of the South Will Occur
19. The Time of the Gentiles will Lead to Armageddon
20. Jews Ready to Sacrifice
21. Totalitarian Steps
22. Preparation for the Short Work
23. Fulfillment of Matthew 24:14 and 28:19-20Dr. Thiel goes over prophetic scriptures (in 2 Timothy, Habakkuk, Amos, Daniel, Matthew, Mark, Romans, Revelation, Isaiah, 2 Corinthians, Psalms), including those that must be fulfilled before the start of the Great Tribulation as well as others that also need to be fulfilled before Jesus returns. When are some prophetic events expected and not expected to be fulfilled? Dr. Thiel goes over many biblical items and ties them in with world events that happened and are in the process of happening.
Here is a link to the sermon video: 23 things to prophetically watch in 2023.
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23 Things To Prophetically Watch In 2023
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