While not yet over Hurricane Irma, the Caribbean has been hit with Hurricane Maria (see Hurricane Maria devastates Dominica, heading towards islands like Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic) and Mexico another hurricane (see Hurricane Maria pounds Puerto Rico; Hundreds die from Mexico earthquake). The small island nation of Dominica was devastated and other islands also suffered. Many are without power in Dominica, Puerto Rico, and elsewhere (see also Puerto Rico & Dominica without electrical power: ‘Exactly how many warnings do need before you figure out that something bad is about to happen?’). Those affected are in my prayers.
North Korea and the USA continue to trade barbs of rumors of war (see North Korea wants military equilibrium with the USA, while USA looking at military options against North Korea). At the United Nations on Tuesday, US President Donald Trump blasted North Korea, along with Iran and Venezuela (see ‘Trump Calls for World Action Against North Korea, Iran, Venezuela’). While the USA can defeat those nations militarily, Iran and North Korea want to cause physical harm to the USA and Venezuela took at step (watch US Dollar being challenged by Gold-Petro-Yuan) that ultimately may hurt the USA economically.
In the USA, we again have seen protests turning violent–this time in St. Louis, Missouri. In what seems to be a horrific ‘sign of the times,’ one of the so-called ‘peaceful’ protest organizers essentially defended violence from protesters (see Police arrest more than 80 amid violent St. Louis protests). While justice may or may not have been well served by the verdict in the trial being protested, lashing out violently against others is not the way to go. All should condemn such violence. St . Louis, like the rest of the world, needs the Kingdom of God.
We continue to see more restrictions on freedom of speech. Last Thursday, US President Donald Trump signed some type of proclamation against “hate speech’ (see President Trump and Congress move against ‘hate speech.’ Could this include quoting the Bible?). While there was no specific condemnation in that which would cause the CCOG problems, the fact is that many consider condemnation against certain biblical-identified sins as “hate speech.”
An election in Germany is set for September 24, 2017. Supporters of speech restrictions are expected to win. See the posts ‘The Death Of Free Speech Is Imminent,’ 666, & Germany’s election and DW: Right-wing populists have already won the election. While looking for a photograph to go along with that latter post, I came across the following:
Holy Roman Empire’ painting from 1510
What caught my eye was that the above painting had several shields with a cross as well as a crucifix in the middle. It has long been my view that a mark of the Antichrist will involve a cross of some sort. We will see.
Radio News Reporter: John Hickey.
News sound effect: Recorded by Maximilien.