Weekly News Summary
24 August 2017
US President Donald Trump decided that the USA would remain involved in Afghanistan (see LA Times: There is no ‘winning’ military strategy in Afghanistan). Afghanistan has been called the USA’s longest war. It has not gone well. Eventually, irrespective of what the USA does and does not do, I believe that Afghanistan is likely to support the prophesied King of the South (Daniel 11:40-43).
The USA keeps having protests (see Protests at ‘freedom of speech’ rally; California considering law to penalize selective pronoun speech). It ended up in Boston that were more protesters against ‘freedom of speech’ than demonstrators in favor of it. The time is coming when freedom of religious speech will be mostly gone (Amos 8:11-12)–the fact that the even USA is moving that way shows that it will be able to happen in many other places around the world.
Speaking of speech, the USA has so many people that will not tell the truth that polygraph tests eliminate 3/4 of those who apply to be border control agents. This has led to a recruitment shortage. Because of this, the US government has exempted former military and law enforcement people from having to take a polygraph test, which indicates that the government believes that they are hiring people who are likely not to be honest. This is consistent with the last days (2 Timothy 3:1-5) and a sad commentary on the USA. The United Nations now considers that the USA is at risk of serious civil unrest (see USA has too many liars, so relaxes standards to hire border control agents; UN issues civil unrest warning). The USA will have more serious violent unrest in the future (cf. Deuteronomy 32:25).
Speaking of the USA, the German publication Der Spiegel declared, “Germany Must Abandon Its Military Reluctance and Lead … the era of total dependence on the U.S. military is over.”Germany is basically rising up as the Church of God has taught it would since the end of World War II. Germany is taking political, economic, and military steps in order to do so. Once German leaders in Europe conclude that they do not need the USA for defense any more, they will one day attack and successfully defeat the USA (cf. Daniel 11:39) as well as its Anglo-Saxon descended allies (Isaiah 17:3; Daniel 8:24-25).
Over in Vatican City, Pope Francis continued his ecumenical plans by sending a letter to the Methodists and those now called Waldensians (see Pope Francis reaches out to ‘Waldensians;’ Catholic theologian wants Pope’s errors corrected). While some of the early Waldensians kept the Sabbath and denounced the papacy, the modern group with that name is closer to the Church of Rome than the Church of God. The end time Mystery Babylon is more fully forming (Revelation 17:1-5).
In Israeli news, Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reportedly told Russian President Vladimir Putin that he is considering a preemptive strike in Syria against Iranian positions there if Iran does not leave some areas (see Iran: Threat to Israel (Netanyahu) or Threat to Europe (PCG)?). Expect a conflict to come in the future between Iran and Israel that could damage Jerusalem (cf. Isaiah 22:5-9).
Radio News Reporter: Jay Chang.
News Sound Effect: Recorded by Maximilien.