CNN had an article titled Who Vladimir Putin thinks will rule the world. So, we did a sermonette video on that: Who does Vladimir Putin and the Bible say will rule the world?There remain major tensions between North Korea, the USA, and some other in the region of North Korea
James Mattis: Military options; BBC: Doomsday
Weekly News Summary 31 August 2017
Parts of Texas and Louisiana have been impacted by Hurricane Harvey–the amount of rain is considered to be unprecedented in the USA. It has long been my view that weather issues, like a major hurricane, will be part of the sorrows and troubles that will weaken the USA prior to the start of the Great Tribulation (Matthew 24:21). While Hurricane Harvey is not as devastating as what will come later, it shows us that the unexpected can wreak havoc. Something much worse is coming.
Weekly News Summary 24 August 2017
US President Donald Trump decided that the USA would remain involved in Afghanistan (see LA Times: There is no ‘winning’ military strategy in Afghanistan). Afghanistan has been called the USA’s longest war. It has not gone well. Eventually, irrespective of what the USA does and does not do, I believe that Afghanistan is likely to support the prophesied King of the South (Daniel 11:40-43).
Germans trust Vladimir Putin more than Donald Trump
‘Most Americans fear a major war during Trump’s presidency: poll’
Weekly News Summary 17 August 2017
Another ecumenical sign and lying wonder
A Roman Catholic website, Our Sunday Visitor, reported the following:
The miracle of the weeping icon in Illinois
Weekly News Summary 10 Aug 2017
There has been even more “sabre rattling” between the USA and North Korea this week (e.g. UN approves North Korean sanctions as USA prepares for a ‘defensive war’). But I would like to comment that Donald Trump’s assertion yesterday that “there will never be a time that we are not the most powerful nation in the world!”